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Annabelle 11-04-20 11:45

Off the topic
Just take the time to watch this. It is a bit long but it does make you think long a hard about what is going on. And if what the government is doing is the right thing.

Void99 11-04-20 17:04

Was certainly an interesting watch.
Does raise some points about the internet being a source of panic and sensationalism due to how instantaneous news travels compared to many years ago pre-internet or when the internet was in it's earlier stages.
Another problem is that the majority are not scientifically knowledgeable to fully understand what is being said. Listening to 2 sides of a debate on a subject one is not qualified on, really is no way to tell who is right or who is wrong. And that can lead to all sorts of manipulation from either side.

Had this issue with Brexit, see a 2 hour video from a remain perspective and a 2 hour video from a leave perspective, coupled with the fact I was not even alive prior to Britain joining the EU and have absolutely no life experience on what life was actually like pre Britain EU I really qualified to cast a vote on something I am utterly unsure on?

Certainly does create a lot of internal conflict.

John 11-04-20 19:00

I agree, but I wonder what the price is that we are willing to pay to save 1 - 3% of lives for the absolute and complete destruction of liberty for 100%

There is no end to this, lockdowns planet-wide are extended, Italy is locked till May 'at least' so that means June( unlikely), July or August..the UK will be Sept..just before the next flu season..'social distancing' will stay in place indefinitely, Police threatening to pepper spray people if they deliver food to their relatives, the whole planet under house arrest. The media driving on 'fear' for clicks..

I'm feeling angry, I've never been happy to simply be obedient and compliant

larrydude 11-04-20 21:29

I agree John

John 12-04-20 16:16

UK Facts
Deaths To week 13 (end of March)
2018 - 164625
2019 - 146018
2020 - 150057

Deaths from respiratory illnesses (pneumonia)
2018 - 29898
2020 - 21451

Void99 12-04-20 23:59


Originally Posted by John (Post 182706)
UK Facts
Deaths To week 13 (end of March)
2018 - 164625
2019 - 146018
2020 - 150057

Deaths from respiratory illnesses (pneumonia)
2018 - 29898
2020 - 21451

Do you think there is some kind of hidden global agenda happening?

larrydude 13-04-20 00:34

I have a lot of questions involving this issue.

Void99 22-04-20 18:22

frank 23-04-20 07:53

Agreed. I feel very uneasy about it all.
Now Twitty and Handcock are telling us it may go on for a year. I don't think so.
Initially it was about 'not overwhelming the NHS'. Went to a hospital recently and it was virtually deserted.
But some countries are unlocking so I hope there isn't something dodgy going on. Troubling times.
Stay safe all. Interesting video Void!

Annabelle 23-04-20 10:49

Well said Frank x

megaton 23-04-20 14:54

I avoid watch these videos. They all have a different view on whats right and wrong. Just do your bit and stay safe and stay at home.

Void99 23-04-20 21:02

As more time goes by...the more weirder things feel for me.
Though I'm still working a seasonal job .....about 400 of us. The 2 meter rule is impossible to keep to, no matter how hard the marshals try!
Thing is...not 1 person has had symptoms, had a relative with the symptoms or knows of anyone who does.
Does anyone here know of anyone within their family and friends that's come down with it?
I lived in the South East all my life up until the end of 2018 ....not one person I know down there has known anyone get the illness.

And even more strange....why is the term "Covid-19" and "Coronavirus" essentially banned for people who have monetised channels on Youtube? People I watch with gaming channels are afraid to use those terms for fear of being demonetised!!! Have the terms been trademarked or something??? Ready for the inevitable blockbuster oscar winning movie that will no doubt be made sometime down the line. You just know it's going to happen. Movies, books and music about how humanity overcame the pandemic! And don't forget the lawsuits over who has the rights to what ....big cash to be made from all this.

I keep hearing these PSA announcements on the radio "Stay at home, protect the NHS, save Lives" ..... starting to sound like friggin' Robocop! "I am a robot...serve the public trust, protect the innocent....uphold the law!" ....and all these banners I keep seeing on the way to work with the same taglines on them, like some sort of brainwashing mind control.

Sorry if this offends anyone....but I can't help but think we are being played to some degree.

larrydude 24-04-20 00:24

I too know no one with symptoms.

Annabelle 24-04-20 08:32

Totally agree with you void. We don't know of anyone who has it or has had it. Just me but I think there's more to all this ??

John 24-04-20 08:49

Is there something bigger going on?.. Well, if you like a good conspiracy theory there are a few.

I saw a video where there has been a claim that this has all been programmed into us over time, an example being the 2012 Olympic opening ceremony which had images that scarily resemble what the virus looks like and look at the additional subliminal messages of the medical profession (remembers all the beds and nurses?) saving humanity from a hidden enemy and the children are then saved by Mary Poppins (i.e the state). I wasn't sure what to make of it.

Having said that, the fact is the Bill Gates is behind ID2020 (which seeks to establish a protocol for every human have a digital ID in them which would have all their information, including vaccinations info), basically, they are describing it as a fundamental right for you to own your records...mmmm, then Gates is also behind GAVI (Global Vaccinations) and has given huge funding to Imperial College (the creators of this panic). Even Chris Whitty has received £40 million from Gates so you kind of understand why he keeps banging on about vaccines......huemmmmm

frank 24-04-20 21:26

No way am I having a Gates-made vaccine! It would probably make you randomly fall over and crash to the ground.:D

Void99 25-04-20 13:09

One of the key things that put me off of buying Microsoft's Xbox One back in 2013 was their initial plans to have the Kinect camera implemented to it. Originally they wanted the camera plugged in and switched on at ALL TIMES for the console to function. Mandatory to have a camera monitoring you whenever you use the console. Creepy.

John 25-04-20 14:52


Originally Posted by Void99 (Post 183084)
One of the key things that put me off of buying Microsoft's Xbox One back in 2013 was their initial plans to have the Kinect camera implemented to it. Originally they wanted the camera plugged in and switched on at ALL TIMES for the console to function. Mandatory to have a camera monitoring you whenever you use the console. Creepy.

bit like these Smart speakers (echo / Alexa) and so on. We all have automated listening devices on us anyway in our mobile phones...if you have a smartphone, a significant number of TV sets, even Sky controls these days..... I find that a little creepy :-)

frank 05-06-20 08:24

How's everyone doing with the virus nonsense now? To me it seems to get ever more rediculous.

Annabelle 05-06-20 09:35

We are ok. But I know what you mean. Their saying men with bald heads are at risk. Soon they will be saying if you have blonde hair your at risk etc

Void99 05-06-20 23:37

Apparently their was a major outbreak at work of management testing positive for the virus. Workplace was shut down for a week and we were furloughed for the week.
We were told that we must go and get tested for covid-19 before we could return.

Whats strange is that both the NHS site and call centre both clearly state that you can only get tested if you actually have symptoms. Which I did not.
So basically I LIED on the online application for the coronavirus test application and said I had symptoms .....this was NEVER once questioned at all when I went to the test site the next day. The test site was pretty upbeat with people laughing about and telling jokes etc. They did initially tell me to keep the windows closed when entering the site....but later they were open as the guy instructed me on how to actually do the self-applied test as I sat in my car.....he was less than 1 meter away from me!

Took about 10 minutes in total. 2 days later the test came back negative. Went back to work the next week and they never even asked for any proof of me having taken the test. All the management that initially tested positive were back and right as rain....and never actually experienced any spite of testing positive. It's all as if nothing ever happened.
This is what the whole economy has been shut down for over 2 months! paid a full weeks wages for sitting at home, drinking and playing Saints Row: The Third Remastered.

Annabelle 06-06-20 09:29

Funny that. It seems no one is really that bothered by it all. We need to get life back to normal and start doing Herd immunity. This is the only way forward

larrydude 08-06-20 00:32

Next they will say a Guy with a penis longer than 6 inches is at risk! Whew!!! Im safe! :)

Annabelle 08-06-20 09:37


John 08-06-20 09:45


Originally Posted by Void99 (Post 184084)
Apparently their was a major outbreak at work of management testing positive for the virus. Workplace was shut down for a week and we were furloughed for the week.
We were told that we must go and get tested for covid-19 before we could return.

Whats strange is that both the NHS site and call centre both clearly state that you can only get tested if you actually have symptoms. Which I did not.
So basically I LIED on the online application for the coronavirus test application and said I had symptoms .....this was NEVER once questioned at all when I went to the test site the next day. The test site was pretty upbeat with people laughing about and telling jokes etc. They did initially tell me to keep the windows closed when entering the site....but later they were open as the guy instructed me on how to actually do the self-applied test as I sat in my car.....he was less than 1 meter away from me!

Took about 10 minutes in total. 2 days later the test came back negative. Went back to work the next week and they never even asked for any proof of me having taken the test. All the management that initially tested positive were back and right as rain....and never actually experienced any spite of testing positive. It's all as if nothing ever happened.
This is what the whole economy has been shut down for over 2 months! paid a full weeks wages for sitting at home, drinking and playing Saints Row: The Third Remastered.

This just sums it all up perfectly, well said mate

larrydude 10-06-20 02:30

I agree John. I am not saying it is not a bad thing but i wonder if its been exaggerated. I personally do not know anyone who knows anyone that officially had it.

frank 21-10-20 15:46


Originally Posted by Void99 (Post 184084)
Apparently their was a major outbreak at work of management testing positive for the virus. Workplace was shut down for a week and we were furloughed for the week.
We were told that we must go and get tested for covid-19 before we could return.

Whats strange is that both the NHS site and call centre both clearly state that you can only get tested if you actually have symptoms. Which I did not.
So basically I LIED on the online application for the coronavirus test application and said I had symptoms .....this was NEVER once questioned at all when I went to the test site the next day. The test site was pretty upbeat with people laughing about and telling jokes etc. They did initially tell me to keep the windows closed when entering the site....but later they were open as the guy instructed me on how to actually do the self-applied test as I sat in my car.....he was less than 1 meter away from me!

Took about 10 minutes in total. 2 days later the test came back negative. Went back to work the next week and they never even asked for any proof of me having taken the test. All the management that initially tested positive were back and right as rain....and never actually experienced any spite of testing positive. It's all as if nothing ever happened.
This is what the whole economy has been shut down for over 2 months! paid a full weeks wages for sitting at home, drinking and playing Saints Row: The Third Remastered.

Your experience is really common. As is people who have booked a test, then get a positive result despite never having turned up.
The whole thing stinks and the test is thought to have a high percentage of false positives, which means 'cases', hospital admissions and deaths are all based on what is essentially fraud.
Fraud which is ruining the country and killing people!

Annabelle 21-10-20 16:38

I heard today on twitter that a guy got a home test kit in. He did not use it he just posted it back unused and he was then sent a notification saying he was positive.

frank 21-10-20 19:53

Heard that multiple times from different places as well Annabelle. Have you seen the video 'Crimes against humanity'?
And have you managed to do ok business-wise?

John 22-10-20 09:18

Yes me and Annabelle have seen that video, the weird thing is that YT removed it for a TOS violation, like most of social media is doing with discussion / debate about the Great Barrington Declaration.

It almost feels as though we are living through an era similar to the Salem Witch trial or McCarthyism where alternative views were labelled as evil / dangerous and shut down and the mere finger appointing at one suspected was as good as a guilty verdict. The media are involved, it's a very starnge time. A few things to look at / listen to on twitter (these are all '@' FetEmperor / ProfKarolSikora / MichaelYeadon3 /carlheneghan / simondolan / ClareCraigPath). Have a read of 'What Sage Got Wrong' and listen to episode 21 of 'Escape From Lockdown' by Alex Maccaroon. Very interesting indeed. Something fishy is going on methinks.

frank 22-10-20 15:25

Thanks John, already following those people.
The whole thing is very smelly that's for sure.

Annabelle 22-10-20 15:34

Have you listen to the podcast

Void99 23-10-20 19:40

So....when it was reported that Boris was taken to hospital after testing positive and being MIA for a few weeks .....was anyone else thinking along the lines of this or was it just me?

To be perfectly blunt, it's all complete bollox isn't it?

The question this the result of some big agenda .....or was the initial threat/scare of the apparent virus ACTUALLY believed to be real by the world governments ....but they heavily over-reacted and now can't go back on it?

frank 23-10-20 20:59


Originally Posted by Annabelle (Post 187477)
Have you listen to the podcast

Do you mean the Mike Yeadon one Annabelle?

frank 23-10-20 21:04


Originally Posted by Void99 (Post 187542)
So....when it was reported that Boris was taken to hospital after testing positive and being MIA for a few weeks .....was anyone else thinking along the lines of this or was it just me?

To be perfectly blunt, it's all complete bollox isn't it?

The question this the result of some big agenda .....or was the initial threat/scare of the apparent virus ACTUALLY believed to be real by the world governments ....but they heavily over-reacted and now can't go back on it?

Yep total bullshit. I think there's an agenda behind it yes, I'm sure you've seen all the Great Reset stuff.
Great thing is it's not working and people are really waking up to it this month.
Of course govts really are grossly incompetent so it could just be that. If you look into the 'scientists' who advise them they are so stuck into their own bad data but never look into issues with it.
You're right that they absolutely cannot now be shown to be wrong, but they will be.

Annabelle 24-10-20 09:52

These are two different podcast and are long, but worth listening to. Mike Yeadon was once a a chief scientist for Pfizer and has worked a long side vallance

John 24-10-20 09:59

And he calls it 'bullshit'

frank 28-10-20 23:42

Sure is, from top to bottom. Fraud.

Annabelle 31-10-20 11:15

Well it seems like there a 80% chance we are heading for another national lockdown. Going to hear more about it this coming week. So, so angry about all of this. Just can't get me head around why this has been made so big while all the other virus we have had, have come and gone with out all the same type of shit we are getting now.

megaton 31-10-20 14:25

I blame the COVIDIOTS myself!

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