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boundngag 01-05-16 21:42

Wenger - remaining sympathy gone
I don't know what Wenger was thinking when he attempted to apportion some of the blame on the atmosphere at the Emirates for yet another failed title bid. Probably clutching at yet another excuse, for a problem that he cannot manage to envisage is actually his fault.

This season, being 3rd behind a Leicester and Tottenham makes the failure even more damning. He cannot blame this failure on 'Financial Doping'. It also shows that Arsenal are actually getting further away from challenging for a title, not closer to it.

The other reason the season is damning is that a number of Arsenal players, particularly the British ones, for some reason, just have not progressed. Walcott, Oxlade-Chamberlain, Ramsey and in particular, Wilshere. Moving Sanchez onto the left, Cazorla into the centre and playing Coquelin as a defensive midfielder last season demonstrated that he doesn't really think those players are progressing either. IF that is the case, why does he not just sell them, rather than keeping them as squad players and hoping they get better?

But blaming the failure on the fans may well prove to be the beginning of the end. The Emirates prices are, basically, ridiculous and if they are not leading to an improving team, than what is the point of paying them. Wenger will almost certainly stay. To be honest, I think he probably expects to be offered another contract at the end of next season as well. He probably will be if he doesn't resign! But if next season starts badly (and Arsenal seasons usually do), I predict the fans will really stop turning up then. If that is the case, that may force the board to act, as they only seem to care about making profits.

John 02-05-16 09:09

It's been awful, I trust you watch that Arsenal Fan TV as well? I did say that to the misses when he came out with that, basicaly excusing away poor performances on the back of the atmosphere created by fans during!! as if that isn't going to inflame an already toxic evironment.

He should go, now, with some dignity....but he wont...

boundngag 02-05-16 13:34

I don't watch Arsenal fan tv, but as soon as I saw what he said, I just though 'What is he doing?'. If you are against Wenger, you will become more against him. If you are undecided, that could decide your mind against him. If you are one of those fans who are totally behind, you will probably be less behind him.

I think next season could be bad. Will Arsenal be better than Man City, Chelsea, Man Utd, Liverpool, Tottenham and Leicester? What if West Ham, Southampton and Stoke spend well again? I think we need several new players now and Wenger is anti spending sprees. Even if he does spend money, will he spend it on the right players or even in the positions that need reinforcing the most?

A while ago, there were stories that Ozil and Sanchez were going to be offered new contracts, but those stories seem to have disappeared. I do wonder if they are now looking to leave and if so, would we be able to get in replacements as good? Players would probably be put off for signing for a club that looks like it is going backwards.

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