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boundngag 16-11-16 23:10

Glenn Hoddle - Even Worse Co Commentator than Andy Townsend!!!
I always thought Andy Townsend was a poor commentator, what with his catchphrases 'not for me, Clive, not for me' and his lack of insight. But maybe his one redeeming factor was that he did not constantly talk to much (like Glenn Hoddle does). Although this gave more air time to the incredibly irritating Clive Tyldesly to commentate, who is so biased it is incredible. Not only is he a blatant Man Utd fan, he can't bear any criticism whatsoever of his beloved Wayne Rooney. When Rooney is playing badly(as he often does, particularly in big games and in international tournaments), what would Clive Tyldesly do? That's right, he'd screech something live 'GREAT TRACKING BACK BY ROONEY!' every time he tackled (ofted fouled) someone, as he had absolutely nothing else good to remark upon. Unbelievable!

Now onto Glenn Hoddle, who appears to have an incredibly over inflated opinion of himself, especially given his lack of success as a manager. He is openly biased towards Spurs players and appears to think Adam Lallana is the best thing since sliced bread, even though more often than not in past seasons, he has been completely ineffective. I know I am biased as an Arsenal fan, but claiming Rose should have had a penalty against Scotland when he was vaguely brushed and threw himself to the floor I though was very irritating. It's like he was encouraging diving. It's not like Rose does not have a history of diving either, so how can he have instantly convinced, at first site, that it was a penalty. Imho, Glenn Hoddle should never be manager and the sooner ITV and BT Sport get rid of him as a commentator, the better.

peter92305 17-11-16 12:58


All i will say to you is that i disagree with you about Hoddle's commentary skills. Unusually, he wasn't sacked from the England job because of poor results----he lost his job for a crass statement that disabled people were being repaid for the sins of past lives. Even Donald Trump wouldn't have got away with that one__!!

boundngag 18-11-16 09:34

Yes, but I think his club management career at Swindon, Chelsea, Southampton, Tottenham and Wolves was poor overall. He probably only got the England job through his reputation as a footballer, which he subsequently destroyed by revealing his beliefs.

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