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peter92305 01-08-16 23:27

Apathy over Olympic Games 2016

I wish i could get excited about the start of the Rio Games in a few days time, but all this Russian controversy and journalists questioning the quality of facilities, has left me bereft of any enthusiasm.

I shall watch all the athletics as i always do, but i fear that my interest will stop there. Contrast that with the feverpitch excitement that we had for our games in 2012. It's very sad because we rely on our enjoyment of sport for the feelgood factor.:sad7:

boundngag 04-08-16 22:02

Yes, I know what you mean. Imho, all the Russian competitors should have been thrown out. The sheer scale of it seems to be massive. Now you wonder just how many competitors from other countries are cheating as well. Every time there is a new record set, it will be hard not to think 'are they cheating?'

John 08-08-16 10:13

I have to agree but I am slowly getting into it :-) The fact that most of it is on very late in the evening / early hours of the morning doesn't help though!

halfslip56 11-08-16 23:34

it's only interesting here in australia because we are winning some medals and are 4th on the leader tally wait to that dries up and it will people will drop off very quickly.

halfslip56 15-08-16 08:59

gotta say watching the greatest sprinter of all time win today was amazing
usain bolt is a superstar.

Annabelle 22-08-16 12:44

Its sad to know its he last Olympic. Well tha'ts what they said on the news.

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