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boundngag 06-01-13 22:14

It's January 6th and Wenger still hasn't spent any money
What a surprise. I still don't believe him when he says that he will. Still, he's the highest paid manager in the country and the board appear to be too scared of him to take any action. What does he care?!

John 07-01-13 17:44

I don't think he'll spend at all imo. Arsenal are linked to this player and that but nothing spectacular...

another winter of discontent..!

boundngag 09-01-13 22:21

It's always the same, isn't it? Arsenal start badly - Wenger promises to spend money - Wenger doesn't spend money - Wenger makes excuses for this. Why should we expect any different until he goes? But he wont resign and the board wont sack him. To be honest, I don't even think they'll sack him if we fail to qualify for the champions league. How can Kroenke and Gazidis know so little about football? I think they think it's like franchise soccer in the U.s still!

John 17-01-13 10:34

After beating Swansea last night, Wenger was rather hesitant with his answers to questions about possible transfer targets..saying his first target was to secure a contract with Theo Walcott.

he's had all year to tie that up so now, once again, we have him leaving things to the last minute. He's indecisive and dithering and that has been our Achilles heel for year upon year.

he does really need to consider his position.

boundngag 20-01-13 23:32

We lost to Chelsea today. Although we've struggled over recent years away to Chelsea, they are by no means the team they were. It confirms the reality (well, probably not for Wenger) that Arsenal are no longer competing against the top teams in the league.

Given his refusal to spend money and tendency over recent seasons to leave negotiating new contracts to the last minute, it really does make you wonder what Wenger spends his time doing? Does he sit there counting Arsenals profits every year? Does he spend his time throwing scouting reports in the bin, all disregarded as 'too expensive'? Or does he spend his time constantly convincing himself that he is right and everyone else is wrong? Wake up Arsene! You're policy doesn't work! You're judgement is no longer what it was! Give it up! Go!

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