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boundngag 13-12-12 22:37

Wenger the dictator
According to today's new, Wenger doesn't delegate responsibility for training. Apparently he stopped Steve Bould working with the defence, maybe because he got praised for Arsenal's improved defence at the start of the season. Apparently, his input now is minimal. It also said that Sagna doesn't want to sign a new contract because Wenger is not improving him as a player, as he doesn't work with the defence. If any of the above is true, I think Wenger should go, now. It's hard to believe the Arsenal team having faith in him if that is how he behaves. Even Ferguson delegates training!

John 14-12-12 10:59

I think he's losing the plot, he refuses to recognise flaws in the team obvious to everyone but himself.

Theres no fool like an old fool.... as the saying goes

Unless he keeps hold of Walcott (who is now rumored to be heading to Chelsea - yet another of the Arsenal stars moving to one of our competitors!) and buys two or 3 marquee signings in January (which I doubt he will ...old habits die hard / you can't teach an old dog new tricks /etc /etc /etc) I predict Arsenal will finish mid table and Wenger will on his bike at the end of the season.

He's done a brilliant job at Arsenal and was probably the right manager at the right time but that time has gone now and unless he pulls off a remarkable recovery, I don't see anything other than mid table mediocrity ahead

boundngag 16-12-12 14:10

What worries me is that, to date, over the few seasons, he has had ample time to 'wake up and smell the coffee' as it were. He hasn't. He has continue to rigidly stick to his principles, flying in the face of all the evidence and believe that what he is doing is right.

This suggests to me that even a mid table finish, which is likely now, will not cause him to realise his failings. The Arsenal board only ever praise him and I am suspicious about how much of the clubs's overall policy is actually down to Wenger himself. This leads me to believe that the board will not sack Wenger. Wenger's contract runs until 2014. So feasibly, next season, with whoever's contract is up next threatening to leave and more low-quality signings to replace Sagna and Walcott, lower mid table will be likely.

Given the board don't renew his contract/Wenger leaves then (this may not even happen then. Gazidis and Kroenke don't seem to know anything about football. Earlier this year, Gazidis was pleased about all the players leaving, as it illustrated that they were keeping to their financial principles - this is very worrying), what manager will want to take over a big club that is in decline, that has sold all it's best players and will not spend the money to replace them? It's not just Wenger that needs to go, so does Kroenke and Gazidis. They're turning Arsenal into a joke.

brianmac 16-12-12 16:49

how can a twenty year old like Wilshire deserve a salary of 90k per week he shouldnt be paid that a year and why the hell is Wenger after Fellani that guys just brute force and ignorance

boundngag 16-12-12 22:47

I didn't know Wenger was after Fellaini, but I don't think he should be. Also, Wenger's salary is £7.5 million, the highest of any manager in England and Gazidis is on £2 million. That's Arsenal today - priorities completely wrong!

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