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boundngag 04-09-13 20:29

Arsenal sign Ozil for £42.4million. Am I dreaming????????
I look like a right prat now! But a happy prat. Mesut Ozil? - Jurasssic Park!!!!!!

This is a great signing, Ozil's a great player (this probably sounds a tad biased, but Bale for Ozil seems questionable for me. They're both 24 and Ozil is the more proven player in my book). However, Wenger still confuses me. Why sign an attacking midfielder? In my opinion, we were in far greater need of a goalkeeper (although we signed Viviano, I'm unsure how good her is), a defensive midfielder (although we sigfned Flamini. This depends which Flamini turns up. The first Flamini, who used to contribute little, or Flamini the left back and then defensive midfielder, who performed when his contract was about to expire. A bit like Nasri), a defender and a centre forward. Just from Real Madrid, surely that makes Pepe, Kedeira and Benzema more suitable targets?

On the plus side though, we've signed a great player, who's still only 24 and has his peak years ahead of him. Also, I saw Arsenal week before last and Ramsey is suddenly really good! I don't know what's happened. Since he's injury, he's been poor and games passed him by. But now he is influential and scoring! I couldn't believe it was the same player! Rosicky is also playing well, although this is due to Wenger playing him in the middle now, rather than sticking him out wide, a role which he was never suited to. Giroud has also improved, which is good, until you realise that, excluding Podolski and Walcott, who Wenger uses on the flanks, is Bendtner. oh dear... Despite contrary what pundits have said over the past couple of seasons, our most consistent centre back is Mertesacker. Koscielney is good, but suddenly does stupid things for no apparent reason, a bit like Szczesny and Walcott. I don't know if this is something that can be ironed out through training or not. Vermaelen keeps getting injured and each time he comes back, seems to be slightly less good. Also, Jenkinson is much improved, seems to have a high level of fitness and is more than willing to put it in the box, rather than dithering and going backwards.

So all in all, I am (for once!) pretty happy right now! Heres to hoping that Spurs have invested the Bale money in quantity rather than quality in the transfer window!

John 05-09-13 07:04

It's an amazing signing. A top draw player finally! I'm fairly surprised to see the deal wasn't gazumped by the usual suspectes (Man Utd, Chelsea / Tottenham). Well done Wenger, apparantly it was his calls to Ozil that convinced the player to come to Arsenal despite a better offer from PSG.

Talking about Man Utd, I am slightly concerned for them. Deadline Day saw them scrambling for last minute deals, failing in the Coenctro one and landing Fellani, who whilst I think is a good player, in my opinion is just not a Man Utd player. Worrying times for the Red Devils.

satinchemi 05-09-13 11:44

As a Man U fan myself I have to congratulate Arsenal, Tottenham, Chelsea, and City for totally bitch slapping us in the transfer market this summer. All I can say for United is that thank god we didnt get a manager from the championship of we would have most likely spend £30 million for some shite from the likes of Bristol City or something.

£27.5 milion for Fellani is a joke. It would be more worth while to bring scholes, beckham, and keane out of retirement and giving giggs a contract extension and spliting the 27.5 million between all for of them.

Oh well maybe in January we will send more imposters over to spain and try and kidnap messi or something.

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