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boundngag 16-11-16 23:21

Gareth Southgate - England Manager
It seems that the FA will appoint Gareth Southgate as England manager. I realise that going for a big name has not worked in the past and it hasn't worked. But I just don't think that he is that good a manager. His record with Middlesborough was poor and then he worked with England U21s. If it's because he has already worked with the younger players, then I am not sure that makes that much difference. I suppose that he is a cheap option and when it goes wrong, it won't prove too expensive.

peter92305 17-11-16 13:13


Hopefully, the F.A. will allow him time to grow into the job, which i think he is capable of doing. He managed the Middlesborough team whilst also working for his F.A. Management badges. That must have been a challenge that few in football could have overcome.
I seem to remember that Stuart Pearce had a good record as England Under-21 boss, but quite rightly, was never given a sniff at the senior job. Sir Bobby Robson was sacked by Newcastle shortly after suggesting that most of his team would have been Refuse Collectors had they not been good footballers. Sometimes, the truth hurts!

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