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broonie86 31-03-11 18:19

Megan Coxxx
any chance of getting a hold of megan coxxx for a few shoots?

would be good to see her on the satin and ripping sites :)

Annabelle 01-04-11 10:04

Do you have any links to her.

broonie86 01-04-11 12:16

dont know if this is any use but worth a try

she is also on twitter and facebook, has worked with lexi ward too


Annabelle 01-04-11 12:31

Thanks for that.
I have sent her a message on there as I always use purestorm for model bookings. We may find she not able to do the dates I have given her as she has to come from nottinghamshire and we are in Kent. But you never know. As mum always say "there's no harm in trying".

broonie86 01-04-11 13:57

Thanks Annabelle you're a star :)

Annabelle 18-04-11 18:13

just to let you know that megan cox finally got in contact with us. But is unable to shoot with us due to her fee's being way to high.

megaton 19-04-11 17:04

That's why my fav girlie not return as well. A shame as she always turnup for a shoot and gave 100%! If i chip in a £10 and a personal video would that be agreeable?
Otherwise i best tell her to move closer ;)

larrydude 20-04-11 00:01

Russ is always thinking! Good luck! ;)

megaton 20-04-11 16:49

you did say thinking didnt you Larry?

larrydude 21-04-11 01:06

Let me check Russ! T-H-I-N-K-I-N-G. Yep thats it Russ! W-A-N will be on hold for just a bit. But not too long! lol!

broonie86 21-04-11 11:41

The greedy selfish stunning bugger! Not to worry though plenty gorgeous models here :)

larrydude 21-04-11 11:45

Indeed there is! ;)

megaton 21-04-11 17:05

I'm neither selfish or greedy thank you ;)

larrydude 21-04-11 18:31

I agree Russ! You can't help it if you are first with the Girls ALL THE TIME! lol!!!!!! ;)

megaton 21-04-11 22:19

:D lol

larrydude 22-04-11 00:46

Couldn't happen to a nicer Guy. But in the future, Be a bit more generous to us peasants ok? lol!

megaton 22-04-11 13:19

lol again, first come first servered as they say ;)

larrydude 22-04-11 13:54

Well, i am off today! "some think i am "off" a bit every day" but we will not dwell in that. So in that i am going to try to be first! ;)

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