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John 20-02-13 20:27

AFC vs Bayern
To be honest, i dont know what all the fuss is about. Bayern were heavy favourites before the game so it's no surprise that AFC lost the game yet today's press is all about shock, horror, another Arsenal defeat.

Lets face it, they have been woeful of late and even worse, there is no silver lining on the cloud this time. The club is in crisis but we've known that for some time. The press just can't help themselves when they smell blood I suppose..

boundngag 20-02-13 21:19

I think the issue is that Wenger lost it in the press conference, which irked the press and then didn't shake Jupp Heynckes' hand after the match. They're especially irked now it's come out the '2 year contract' story was completely made up.

For me, it's about realisation. Wenger doesn't have an excuse now. His first team is a long way from being good enough. He rested players against Blackburn and so they had to get a result against Bayern Munich to vindicate his selection. They didn't, therefore it was a mistake. They weren't even close. This may not be a surprise to fans like you and I, but to Wenger, it probably was. Whether he changes his approach now regarding spending money now remains to be seen. You said in a post a while ago (I think it was you, apologies if it wasn't) that 'there's no fool like an old fool'. For me that sums up Wenger. He simply got old, his judgement went downhill, as did his decision making. Rather than facing up to this (probably subconciously), he stuck to his principles even more rigidly, insisted that he was right and the world was wrong.

For any other club, enough would be enough following the Bradford City and Blackburn results (if not in previous seasons) and Wenger would be sacked, if not now, by the end of the season. But this is Arsenal and Wenger will continue to be paid his £7.5 million per year until the deluded one decides to leabe of his own accord. Which stinks, because it's the fans with the extortionate ticket prices, who are funding this pointless continuation of Wenger's reign, for absolutely no return.

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