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boundngag 10-09-12 21:05

If Financial fair play is followed through
I know I complain about this a lot with regard to Arsenal. This is because I don't think that they make any difference, as Arsene Wenger would be managing in this way anyway. He should at least be honest about it, rather than maintaining his excuses.

Anyway, if Financial Fair Play is followed through upon, surely Man City don't have a hope in hell with complying with it and will be thrown out of the Champions League. I would have thought that Chelsea would be unlikely to manage to comply either. (This is unless their owners' companies increase their sponsorship to cover costs and Uefa turn a blind eye to it). If Man City and Chelsea are not allowed to play in the Champions League, will their best players leave? Or is it purely about the money for them (e.g Samir Nasri).

Btw, apparently Ashley Cole wants to leave Chelsea because they wont offer him a 2 year contract. Who would buy a past his prime 31 year old, with no resale value and massive wages? Surely only PSG or Man City?

John 11-09-12 07:34

I think they will find a workaround in exactly the manner you talk of. Man City has already signed mega bucks deals with "other" companies in the owners network that will enable them, I believe, to come with Eufa's financial fair play rules. I also think that a blind eye will be turned.

The problem is beginning to go full circle as the top echelon of clubs are now dependent on these mega rich owners to even stand a chance. Apparently Man Utd have a £100 million in reserve and perhaps Cristiano Ronaldo may (unlikely) return but for wages of £200k a week and a transfer fee in excess of £100 million. It's stupid money and I don't see how a club can conform to financial fair play when it's considering such huge payouts to one player?

Ashley Cole has maybe one or two years left at the top. He's going to start getting sidelined by Chelsea I reckon and next year he'll be playing for Stoke! (fingers crossed)


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