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Snippety 09-10-16 12:26

'Fashion Advice' scenes

I love the 'fashion advice' (for want of a better description) scenes you've done in the past - where two girls take it in turns to 'improve' each others outfits.

I'd love to see one where the model starts off in a long dress, which is then progressively shortened by the other model - to knee length, thigh, crotch... Then made into just a top, ie waist length, followed by making it into a crop-top.

Then the other model would get the same treatment - wearing a different outfit, either a similar dress, or maybe a skirt/blouse or even trousers/blouse - ending up in either a very short skirt and crop top or very short shorts and crop top.

I appreciate this would involve more cutting than ripping, but would love to see this!



Annabelle 10-10-16 07:41

I'll see what we can do. We have done a few of these in the past.

Snippety 15-10-16 14:12

That would be great, thank you :)

Keep up the good work, this site is great!


MvxLe 13-11-19 23:39

I'd love to see them ripping their t shirts and tops instead of button up blouses, shirts, and dresses.

Bloha 03-09-20 23:33

Wish for a video on the site
The site format is awesome!
But there are videos that stand out for the better.
The models in the rollers are dressed rather uniformly.
Add more variety: T-shirts, jeans, satin pants, white cotton panties.
Videos with the participation of Jodie Ellen Charlie Monaco look very cool. These two videos are some of the best in recent years!
It's a pity that the format of the videos has disappeared when the model tears up different panties (CHLOE J and (CHARLEY G
It would be great if videos in the style of (CAROLE, NIC & TOYAH appeared.
Unfortunately, there is little passion in the new videos. Models just rip the fabric, not try to rip it.
Sexier shots look when the panties are torn from stretching, and not from cutting with scissors.
More total panties destruction like in this video (Victoria Summers
I hope my review was useful for the site.

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