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elgonzo 29-03-16 18:46

Cannot use site
I subscribed to Damsels in Peril and after downloading a few files , i got a message saying my ip address is blocked , now i cant do anything with the site , i have requested a refund , but they haven't replied.

elgonzo 29-03-16 18:53

They replied
It seems there is a 3gb limit to how much you download , it is in the terms and conditions, i do think this is unfair as i now have to wait 24 hours till i can log on again:finga:,

I payed to veiw the site i should be allowed full access all the time.

John 29-03-16 20:38

Hi Elgonzo,

The actual set limit is 5gb though the terms have remained at 3gb to ensure members get more than what the terms state. I can see it's the first time you've hit the limit so if you contact us in 12 hours time, I will see if we can release the block early for you.

In the meantime, let us know any scene ideas you may like to see the lovely ladies perform :-)


elgonzo 30-03-16 17:06

Well i was blocked 24 hours ago and still cannot view anything .
i still get the same message , to say i am annoyed is a understatement as your videos look great, although given that i cant viewanything .

Everyone has different ways of downloading , myself i like to get what i want in the first couple of days then not bother with the site till it ends.

What annoys me the most is that i have subscribed to other sites , and the only other one that had a limit was Nude-in-Public , when you reached the limit , you could still view the site but not download, with Damsels you cant even see anything, i just hope i get to download everything i want in the month that i have subscribed to.

John 31-03-16 04:52

Hi Elgonzo,

This was unblocked for you I beleive?


elgonzo 31-03-16 23:28

I am OK with the site know , i was a bit pissed off with getting cut off ,but it seems worthwhile , ill comment on the content later.

frank 02-04-16 23:13

The Pennywize thing... I hate the pic of that bouncer guy... with my connection I can hit it in 15 mins...

I know why you implement this but yeah it's a bit annoying.

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