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Mick Rick 19-05-12 19:31

New to forums - some pics and a new shoot planned
Hi Mick

I'm sorry to asy that this is not forum for other sites to advertise their sites. If you wish to advertise yourself and your site then the best place for you is our sister site "".

If you email John at "" he will sort out something with you ie a banner swap or a link swap.

Many thanks


larrydude 19-05-12 23:36

Hi, Your post seems to be on topic but i suggest messaging John or Annabelle about your wishes to continue to post here. We are strict on advertising outside of our sites but we are not closed minded. Please send John or Annabelle a message here and discuss it and that's our procedure. Thanks!

Mick Rick 26-05-12 01:03

OK, Thanks!

Mick Rick 26-05-12 01:14

Forgot to ask:

Can a post (with pics) say something like :If you would like to know where you can find a video download, send me a private message (assuming you have private messaging with the forum)?


larrydude 01-06-12 00:19

No update this Friday at R4F. So i guess i will settle in here for a little light wanking. :)

larrydude 01-06-12 00:20

Er..........READING! Sorry about the typo. :oops:

larrydude 01-06-12 10:12

I stand corrected! There was an update! Taylor Morgan! ;)

megaton 01-06-12 12:42

what are you going on about Larry? Lol

pantymanuk 01-06-12 16:15

Fuck knows!

larrydude 01-06-12 17:42

Well, Since you asked. I usually do the updates for R4F here as you may have noticed. The update did not go live last night as usual at Ripping4fun on its scheduled time. I found out it was a glitch and the updates at a few of the sites had to be manually updated. So John did the R4F update for me here this morning. All clear now? lol! That's all it was about and have a super weekend everyone. :)

larrydude 01-06-12 17:51

Ok, Enough of that babble, Now off to the other issues at hand! :jerk:

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