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boundngag 14-05-12 21:50

I just want to say a couple of things here. I don't think he's changed. I don't think any half way intelligent person believes that. He's still a violent, short tempered moron.

I also don't believe he's intelligent in anyway whatsoever and no amount of interviews or tweets will convince me otherwise. Anyone can google quotations and use them in interviews.

What he appears to be is a thug who has caught David Beckham disease and uncontrollably seeks the media's attention in any way he can. But the public are beginning to get fed up of Beckham (does anyone really want Stuart Pearce to waste one of Team GB's over 23 player positions on him?) and imho, they well get fed up of Joey Barton even more quickly.

Do us all a favour, Mr Barton - shut up and go away.

John 15-05-12 06:11

Completely agreed. Looks like a 10 game game awaits him and rightly so

satinchemi 15-05-12 09:05

Dont know what makes me feel more sick. The fact City are champions or that Bartons paid thousands a week to be a prick.

megaton 15-05-12 17:01

He should be thrown out of football completey!

boundngag 15-05-12 21:21

I don't really understand why he feels the need to justify himself constantly on twitter. People just watch the way he behaves on a football pitch and can make their own minds up. Hopefully, he won’t play in the Premier League again. Now, if only someone could somehow ban him from twitter...

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