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Old 17-06-13, 14:41
swrazor swrazor is offline
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swrazor has a spectacular aura aboutswrazor has a spectacular aura about

Part 3 of 3

The next morning...

Kat comes down stairs as Sadi is closing the refrigerator door. The Georgia belle seems lost in her thoughts. "Morning Sadi. You seem a million miles away." Kat says cheerfully.

"Huh? Oh hello Kat. Too much on my mind I guess." Sadi says. Kat goes and grabs her morning vitamin water, just as Bobbi and Cindi come into the room.

"Morning all." Bobbi says.

"Morning sis." Kat replies taking a swig of water, before continuing. "I am going to go up and help Lee pick out some up to date clothes."

"Ok sis, I'm going to go check the car and make sure we have everything we need for war."

"Hold up, I'll go with you. says Cindi.

"Me to," Sadi says.

Walking outside, Bobbi and the twins respective vehicles are on opposite sides of the yard. They peel off and proceed to their cars. "You know Sadi it's pretty remarkable what we've been through these last few days." Cindi says

"I know I, Uuuuuhhh..." Suddenly something emerges from the nearby bushes and stun guns an unprepared Sadi. Her eyes immediately roll back and her body quickly goes to the ground. "Sadi!" Cindi says startled. But before she can react further a wicked blow strikes her in the head.

She stumbles around managing to turn to see a hazy figure. Cindi's eyes roll groggily as she tries to speak. "Bobb... iiii." before she can say anymore, her body collapses helplessly on to Sadi's.

On the other side of the yard, Bobbi is rummaging through the trunk of her car. Totally unaware of said events. "I don't seem to have one of my pistols. I may have left it in the house." she says to herself. She turns and starts walking to the house. Suddenly she feels three sharp pinches hit her in the chest. "Uh."She grunt's then looks down to see three darts, one on each breast the final one between her cleavage.

Bobbi's mind instantly begin to swim. She looks up and through blurry vision sees shapes slowly advancing on her. "Oh noooo haaave tooo warnnn Kat..." She says, her words slurring. Bobbi staggers her way up the walkway, but for every step she takes three more seem to be added. She is getting so drowsy, her head keeps wanting to dip as she struggles to look ahead. She thinks she sees a figure step in front of her but she is not sure at all.

Suddenly everything darkens and she seems to lose a few moments of time. She feels her legs give way, dropping her to her knees. Bobbi's heavy eyelids slowly shut. She uses every ounce of her will to pull them open again. "Muuusss fiiiighh iiiit... Have tooo ge uuuup..." Bobbi tries to pull herself up but her mind is dulled with tiredness. Her arms and legs feel like their in thick tar.

Nyx is standing in front of a helpless Bobbi, watching her sexy body sway back and forth in drowsy limbo. Her beautiful eyes roll non stop as she continues to fight the tranquilizers. Nyx mercilessly walks up and gently cradles Bobbi's chin with her hand. The drowsy beauty is powerless to stop her. "You just don't know when to give up do you Bobbi." chimes Nyx.

"I wiiilllno le yooou hur mmmy sissssuuuummmmbluuum." Poor Bobbi's words of defiant's turn to mush just like the rest of her. She feebly flops her arms, trying to show some fight and occasionally brushing one of her hands against Nyx's arm pathetically "Such heroic nonsense." Nyx says callously as she pushes Bobbi's torso down sending her face first into the ground.

She cruelly watches Bobbi crawl towards the front door, letting her get to the base of the first step before putting a firm foot on her back. "You have made it as far as you are going to young Bobbi." Nyx proclaims. "Take this one back with the other two. If the twins wake up tranq them. This one here will be out for hours." Nyx says, giving a now unconscious Bobbi a small kick in the side that rolls her on her back.

"Clark come with me inside. The rest of you stay out here and watch the others. I have a score to settle with dear Amethyst."

Upstairs Kat and Laleetriea are picking out clothes, unaware of the goings on outside. Suddenly the bedroom door burst open causing Laleetriea to scream. Kat whips her head around Seeing Nix there, Laleetriea says, "Nyx!!!" Please don't let her take me back I don't wanna go!" Laleetriea cries.

"Don't worry Lee, I won't let anything happen to you. Just stay back." Kat says, Keeping her exotic eyes trained on her adversary.

"Let's finishes this Nyx, just you and me." Kat snarls.

"Fine by me but I whipped your ass pretty good last time." Nyx says with a grin.

"I was still weak from being drugged and held captive. You're on my turf now you unholy bitch."

Nyx cackles, "Let us see then." Nyx is able to block some of Kat's shots but the agent's reflexes are definitely quicker.

The battle goes on for some time while Laleetriea huddles in the corner beside the bed. furniture gets broken, mirrors get smashed and windows get shattered, after a while though, Kat Manages to get Nyx on the ropes. With a jumping spin kick Kat sends Nyx to the floor stunned and dazed. "You ain't so... tough, when your opponent is clear minded." Kat says, huffing. "Come on Lee let's get... ohhh..." Suddenly Kat begins feeling flushed and her head begins spinning severely. Looking at her Laleetriea notice's Kat's eyes are starting to roll a little.

"Katirina what's wrong?" A frightened Laleetriea ask. Kat tries to steady herself as the young woman runs to her.

"Iss nothiiiing... I'mmm fiiine jusss a liiil tirrred... lesss gouuuhh... Kat's eyes roll back even more as the statuesque beauty nearly falls into the smaller Laleetriea.

"Kat no! you can't go to sleep on me! Please." Laleetriea pleads nearly sobbing.By this time Nyx has begun to recover. Laleetriea continues to shake Kat's increasingly limp body as she tries to urge her on. "Katirina Nyx is getting up!!!" The terrified girl screams.

The girl tries shaking her again. "Huuuh?" Kat slurs, Her eyebrows elevate but her eyelids are still droopy. Her eyes are a sleepy, cream colored white.

"Looks like your champion has failed you. What was it she called you? Lee? How cute. I guess me and Enigma are going to have to do more work on your little mind." Nyx taunts.

"No she is going to get up and when she does she will whip your butt again. Right Kat?"

"Uuuuummmmsssnnn..." The doped up woman just mumbles incoherently.

"Kat get up please!!! You have to wake up!!!" Laleetriea screams, clearly in denial.

"Clark!" Nyx barks "Come in here!!! Keep the noise maker quite while I play with my friend here." Nyx pushes the young woman aside as Clark grabs her around the waist and clamps his hand over her mouth. Laleetriea emits whimpers of resignation through her hand gag as tears stream down her cheeks.

"Well well Miss Katirina, you should stay away from that vitamin water it can be very sedating." Nyx chuckles. You see I made your friend Sadi drug all the drinks in the house. Controlled her little mind, I did It was so easy." Nyx gloats. Then I used some of my mojo to make the effects be triggered by your on adrenalin. Pretty in genus I thought.

Somehow Kat slowly stumbles to her feet. "Oh you want a round two?" Nyx playfully inquires. She pathetically strikes at Nyx twice then on the third try a drugged Kat completely misses and simply falls into Nyx arms with an erotic groan. "Aww such a fighter you are. You look all tuckered out now though." taunts Nyx. She rag dolls the helpless woman's body for a few minutes, watching her head loll every which way. Satisfied she then says, "Let's get these pesky clothes off you. Then we can share lingerie secrets from one woman to another." Nyx cackles again, amusing herself

She carefully removes Kat's jacket, sliding it off her drowsy shoulders, while the sedated woman can only groan. She then sees Kat is wearing a neck less and examines it. "To my very favorite super spy. Love Robert. How absolutely touching." Nyx Says before ripping it off and tossing it to the side carelessly. The vile woman then pulls Kat's white sweater over her head and throws it away as well. "Oooh look at this pretty red bra you have. Nyx says, feeling Kat's sleepy head bob off of her chest.

She then steadies Kat's head with both hands. The agents eyes desperately want to roll back into sleep. Her jaw is slack, leaving her mouth wide open. "You got anything left at all honey, hmm?" Kat moans as her back arches, her sexy body is trying to fold in Nyx's grasp. "Nope I guess not." Nyx quips. She throws Kat on the bed near Laleetriea, forcing her to watch, while she easily manipulates the girl's savior. She lifts Kat's arms a couple three times, letting them drop lazily on the bed.

Next Nyx slowly removes Kat's boots. Then pulls her body so her long legs dangle of the side of the bed. The helpless agent moans as her belt is methodically removed. Her head turns side to side drowsily. She feels her jeans being slid off and dreams of Robert removing them. Nyx smiles as a small blissful whimper comes from the once mighty Amethyst. "I see you have a red pair of panties to match." Nyx chimes.

Suddenly Nyx stands there with her eyes closed seemingly interrupted by something. After a few seconds she says. "I'm sorry we have to part just as things are getting good. But Enigma's calling and I must go to her. Before I leave though I want to leave you a parting gift." Nyx puts a hand on Kat's forehead. "This will make sure you stay like this. Forever the sleepy damsel."

She turns Kat's body so that she faces Laleetriea and Clark. "Thanks for baby sitting Laleetriea for us. We will take her back now." Nyx gestures and Clark removes his hand from the petrified 19 year old's mouth and produces a cloth. The teens eyes bulge and she begins screaming hysterically.

"Noooooo!!!! Noooo!!! Kat wake up!!!!!!! Wake up mmmmpppphhh!!!" Laleetriea smells strange fumes slam her sense of smell. Her instincts tell her she must fight them. Within seconds her head is spinning, her poor eyes are getting heavier and heavier. Suddenly Clark pulls the cloth away, teasing her deprived lungs with fresh air. "Kaaaat Thiiis stuuufff iss makiiing meee sssleeepy... Hhhelp meeee.... mmmppphhh..." Clark then creully puts the cloth back in place.

Kat tries to move towards her friend but she is incredibly tired and can only move an arm and groan. A few more seconds tick by and Laleetriea's eyes are starting to roll back in drugged submission. Once again, Clark pulls the cloth away. "I'mmmmsoooo tiiiiirrrred... cannn't holllld o... Kaaaammmm... " As Clark re-places the cloth The teens eyes flutter closed and she slips helplessly into unconsciousness. Her head tilts cutely to the side as her young body slumps in the villain's arms.

"Leeee..." Kat moans from the bed as Clark hoist a sleeping Laleetriea into a cradle carry. Kat tries to lift her head twice as they leave but just falls back into a twilight sleep.

Before making her final exit Nyx turns, "Let me leave a little note for whoever finds our sleepy hero." Nyx says waving her hands, This causes words to appear on the wall above the bed's headboard. "There that should do it." she says smiling sinisterly.

Some time later...

"Honey? Are you home? I'm back from my trip early and ready for a long vacation." Robert yells as he enters the front door. When he doesn't get a reply, he heads upstairs where he sees the door to the spare bedroom is slightly ajar. "Honey?" he says opening the door. He instantly sees the state of the room, then sees his wife laying in her underwear, still locked in her dreamy state.

"Oh my god Kat! What happened? Who did this to you?" He is unable to get his beautiful wife to respond. Her eyes just keep rolling as she groans helplessly. He checks her pulse, it is strong. Then he sees the message left by Nyx. "I enjoyed our little encounter Katirina and hope you enjoy your never ending dream. I also hope that whoever finds you loves you enough to take care of you in your invalid condition. The message is signed by Nyx

Robert knows about Nyx's powers from his many phone conversations with Kat. "Oh no no no honey, you have to fight it babe come on." he says lightly tapping her face,causing it to turn left and right. When that doesn't help he decides to try something else. "Ok honey. I know your subconscious is still in there somewhere." He begins speaking in a low tone.

"Katirina can you hear me. It's Robert."

Eventually She responds sleepily. "Roberrrt?...

" Yes it's me honey, Where are you? What do you see?"

I'mmm innn a ffffog... I cannn't see you..."

"Follow the sound of my voice baby." She shifts her body on the bed and begins to look distressed. I cannn hhhearrr yooou... but I'm lost... I cannn't find. yoooou Roberrrt." Kat begins to weep softly in her sleep.

Katirina listen to me, follow your memories and use the energy our love creates to find your way home, Come back to me girl." After awhile Kat seems to come out of her sleepy prison. She still looks drowsy but her eyes suggest she knows where she is. "Robert..." she slurs, a sleepy smile coming across her face. "Welcome back babe." Robert says, lovingly.

Katirina looks at him, her eyes still rolling slightly. "Tiiirrred.." she says, her tongue sounding oversized. "I know honey." He says, Gently pulling her up into a sitting position and holding her. Her drowsy head falls onto his shoulder limply.

"You need to sleep for awhile sweetheart but when you get your strength back, we will make Enigma and Nyx pay for what they've done to you." He says as the love of his life drifts off in his arms.

Kat, awoke from her slumber, safely in her own bed, She was a little befuddled at first but then quickly recalled the horrifying encounter with Nyx. "Lee..." she said softly. Slowly getting up out of bed. She walked over and stood at her bedroom window, completely guilt ridden. She had said she would protect Lee and not allow her to be taken by that she-demon.

In this, she had failed. How could she have been so stupid. She let her guard down dammit and that was unacceptable! She thought has tears welled up and descended down her cheeks. She remembered the dream she had, had about walking in a fog helplessly and how Robert lead her out.

She slowly made her way to the living room. That's when she saw Robert sitting in a chair, his laptop open in his lap. She realized then, it hadn't been a dream. He finally looked up and said. "Morning babe." He could immediately see the pain in her translucent blue eyes. Katirina simply could not take it anymore and began to break down. "I failed them all Robert." she said weeping. All traces of the Amethyst persona were gone, defeated not by Nyx or Enigma but by the twin blade of shame and guilt. All that was left now was a young woman in pain.

Robert got up to meet her as she wrapped her arms around him tightly. "Hey, sweetheart. You're only human honey, sometimes I think you forget that." he says, stroking her hair softly trying to comfort her.

"I put my friends in danger and nearly died myself, if you hadn't been there!" she cries.

"But I was." Robert counters. "Katirina, look at me. If Nyx killed Amethyst then so be it, she wasn't strong enough. But you made Amethyst everything she was." Robert says, lifting her chin with his thumb and index finger.

"When you called me from a pay phone on your way back here with that girl, telling me the fight you were about to undertake for her. I knew you loved her. I'm I right?" he ask. "You called her Lee if I remember correctly." He continues with a smile. She looks at him with moist eyes saying,

"She thinks of me as her mother, I can tell."

"And do you want that role honey?" Robert ask. After a moment of thought she nods affirmatively. "Then Amethyst was the wrong person for the job anyway, That girl needs her mother to rescue her." He says with a wink.

Kat smiles with a renewed spirit. Then Robert says, "While you were "Kat napping" he says, not even trying to hide his play on words. "I did a little research on our friends Enigma and Nyx. I think I found a way to make sure Nyx keeps your next fight fair. Come on let's go get Lee and our friends back. I'll explain on the way."


Laleetriea's head throbbed as her eyes slowly opened. She found herself bound to the very same chair occupied by Kat just one day ago. "I see our little Laleetriea is finally waking up." The girl's vision slowly cleared and she was greeted with Enigma's sneering face. "You should not run away from home like that dear." Enigma says in a mocking tone.

"Shut up! you're not my mother! Kat and her friends helped me remember what you did. You killed my mom! You may look like her but you're not! You're not!" Lee says with conviction.

"I think someone is becoming very rebellious. You need to forget all about your new friends, they are a bad influence on you." Enigma says in a parental tone.

"Never!" The young woman exclaims.

"Normally I would have Nyx discipline you but I think I'll handle it myself this time." Enigma says sinisterly. She goes to touch Laleetriea on the side of her face.

"What? What are you doing? Don't touch me!" Laleetriea pleads, squirming in the chair.

Enigma's eyes turn a solid black as she touches the helpless girl's cheek. Laleetriea suddenly feels energy drain from her body. She is now extremely fatigued. "There now, would you like to reconsider." Enigma ask, clearly taunting the lass.

Breathing a little harder now, Laleetriea manages to respond. "I'll never... go back... to you..."

"Oh I see, we're going to be stubborn are we. Nyx will you leave us for a moment?" Enigma ask.

Nyx looks at Enigma almost sternly and says, "Enigma we really should just leave her and move on now." Nyx replies.

"Nonsense. Just leave us a few moments please." Enigma says, looking at Nyx resolutely. "Very well Dineeria." Nyx says, leaving begrudgingly.

With Nyx gone Enigma turns her attention back to Laleetriea. "I've treated you like my own and even spared your miserable life." Enigma says with gritted teeth. She then composes herself. Maybe this will bring you to your senses." She touches the young woman again and a tremendous heat surges through Laleetriea's body. While a heavy sleepiness envelopes her. Her head now heavy, tries drifting in different directions. The poor girl feels like she has the flu times a hundred and can feel her heavy eyes start rolling around, pushing her to sleep.

As Laleetriea's consciousness begins to fade in and out, she can barely feel her head start to bob off the back of the chair.


Bobbi and the twins slowly awaken from their forced slumber, only to find themselves in a bare cell with dreary gray walls but instead of bars this cell has a huge glass window in front. There was no bed, toilet or furniture of any kind. Beyond the glass a long desk with chairs could be seen. It looked like what might be found at a city council meeting.

Sadi was the first to speak. "Oh my head... I feel like I got thrown from a moving train."

"Where are we?" her twin asked.

"I donno it looks like some kinda cell." said Sadi

"Wherever it is, we gotta find a way out." Bobbi says, getting to her feet. As Bobbi and the twins comb the glass looking for a way out. Two familiar faces appear and sit in two of the five seats. Sylvester Bendiss and the man known only as Clark are now looking at them from the other side of the thick glass.

Suddenly Bendiss's mousy voice came in through the corners of the cell. "Hey there Bobbi, you look like you've just woken up." He says in a pathetic attempt to sound cool.

"Bendiss! You perverted creep! Why don't you say that on this side of the glass?!"

Bendiss continues on, "You see honey, that's what I like about you, always full of piss and vinegar. It was fun the first time we met, watching you sip that coffee, figuring you had it all under control. Then watching as your consciousness slowly slipped away. Until your beautiful young body collapsed in my waiting arms. Mmm... Gotta tell you, it was priceless."

Upon hearing this Bobbi begins to pound and kick the glass in anger. The twins soon join in the effort. After amusing themselves for awhile, Clark nods to Bendiss who flips a small switch on the desk. A small hissing sound can be heard from each wall within the cell.

"What's that sound?" ask Cindi.

"It's gas!" exclaims Bobbi. They all three begin to strike the glass with anxious ferocity but after several minutes, they make no progress.

Cindi is the first to start feeling the effects. She staggers suddenly, her head wavering a little. Sadi sees this and moves to support her sister. "Come on Cindi honey, stay up." Sadi says, trying to encourage her. But it does no good, the young belle only gets worse. Her head starts wobbling in a cute sleepy kind of way.

"Soooo tiiiirrred... Caaann' thhhiiiinnnnk..." She mumbles as her eyes begin retreating into her lovely blonde head.

"No Cindi fight it! Keep your hands up sweetie, come on." Sadi says, trying to keep her sister with her.

But then Sadi's own head begins to swim and her strength lessens significantly. Her mind tries to dull but she is fighting it hard. Cindi's head has fallen on to Sadi's shoulder as Sadi tries to keep her own self from passing out. However, eventually she to is forced to succumb to the debilitating gas. She manages to look at her sister through blurred vision and sees that her sister is already out cold. "Noooo Ciiiinnndiii... Wake uuuuup uuuuhhhh..." Sadi slurs, slapping sleepily at her sister.

No longer able to support herself or her sister, Sadi begins to collapse. The twins' bodies fall helplessly into each other, breaking both their falls as they come to rest on the floor. Parts of Cindi and Sadi lay draped over one another in some way, creating a cute and very erotic scene.

"No... guys... you can't pass out..." Bobbi says, her voice dragging and full of drowsiness. Her eyes look glazed as she stumbles over to her friends. She barely finds the strength to bend down and shake the twins. "Sss-sadiii, Ciiindiii, yooou haaave tooo ge uuuuppp..." Somehow though Bobbi is still able to stand back up and stay on her feet.

"Amazing. She is one hell of a fighter." Clark says, looking on.

"Yeah. I know." Bendiss says grinning. "Shut off the gas Clark. I wanna play with her. She'll eventually go out from shear tiredness anyway." As this is done Bendiss makes his way inside the cell. Bobbi tries to move toward the now open door but is easily stopped by Bendiss. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, where you going sweet cakes? Huh?" She simply groans in response.

"Come on. Where's that fighting spirit? There's the door. You can get out if you can get past me." He steps back so that she can play his sleepy game. I very groggy Ms Powers tries to take a swing but Bendiss easily evades it. "Aww such a sleepy girl, you can barely hold those eyes open. You gotta stop falling asleep on me girl."

He continues to taunt and shove the sleepy young woman for several minutes, watching her eyes slide up into her head as she teeters on the brink of unconsciousness.

While she is still awake, Bendiss decides to take it further. He steps closer, letting her take one final swing. Half way through, her body goes limp and she falls into Bendiss with a resigning groan. She is still conscious, though barely.

Under normal conditions Bobbi could easily handle this twig of a man but in her drugged condition she has no ability to resist Bendiss. He roughly pushes her against the cell wall and begins to lick and kiss her neck like it were a piece of candy. He then runs his hand roughly up Bobbi's blue turtle neck sweater, seeking out her breast. He watches her head bob on and off the wall sleepily as he massages her magnificent mounds. Next he forces a wet sloppy kiss on her, one which she has no choice but to except

Finally making his way to her lower portion, he slowly unbuttons her jeans. He begins to gleefully tickle her "sweet spot" with both his tongue and his fingers, after pulling down her silk underwear. She instinctively moves her pelvis and moans with pleasure. Bendiss looks up and sees that Bobbi's eyelids are fluttering and that her eyes have become tiny white slits. "You like that don't you sweet thing. Huh? Does that make you feel good my little drugged puppy?" He says, clearly pleased with himself.

Suddenly a large boom can be heard in another part of the complex. "Ah, I'm sorry to cut this short darling but that's my cue to leave. I'm going to leave you and your friends and family a little pay back before I go though for all the shit you put me through." He produces a syringe and injects it into a helpless Bobbi's neck. Her eyes immediately close and she slides down the wall. "Just a little something Enigma and Nyx helped me cook up. Later babe." He says patting her on the head.

As Bendiss exits the cell, Clark says, "We need to get out of here." "We will but first there is one last thing I have to do." With a burst of motion Bendiss leaps behind Clark, snapping his neck. Then says, While Enigma and Nyx have been busy with everyone else, I have transferred all of their assets to off shore accounts in my name. Whether they when or lose this fight, I'll be one of the most powerful men in the world." He says, grinning sinisterly.


Enigma hears the loud explosion but pays it little attention, surmising that security will deal with whomever or whatever it is. She looks at the completely drained girl sitting in front of her then chimes, "I don't think you'll be able to take another one dear. So why don't you listen to mom and stop this foolishness." The poor girl is a woozy mess but she manages to mumble a response. "You... you'rrrre notma motherrrr mmmmm..." This enrages Enigma. "Stupid human! Very well then, you shall die!"

As she goes to touch Laleetriea, a strange vertigo comes over Enigma, disorienting her. She appears to be in pain. "N-nyx!!" Enigma screams as she drops to the floor. Nyx rushes back into the room. "Dineeria!" She says as she rushes to Enigma's side. For the first time Enigma herself looks helpless. "Not so funny to have your family fucked with. Is it Nyx?" Nyx looks up in shock to see her nemesis standing across the room. "Gotta say though, you must really love your daughter to allow her to pretend like she is in charge and the way she must talk to you, I simply can't imagine."

"What did you do to her." Nyx says with panic and anger in her voice. "Your not the only one who has otherworldly means my dear Nyx. It's quite simple, she will die unless I stop what is effecting her. But you and I have a score to settle, so here's the deal. You and I are going to fight, woman to woman, mother to mother. If you try and send me to dreamland with your voodoo, well adios Dineeria. Without a word Nyx charges her foe with rage filed eyes. She launches a series of precise shots, most are blocked by Kat but a few do rock her.

Kat goes to counter but her arm is caught by Nyx, allowing her to deliver a trio of martial arts kicks to Katirina's ribs. Then she arm flips the stunned woman on to her back. Nyx moves to pounce on her opponent but as she bends down she gets surprised by a shot to the throat. Kat quickly kips-up and tries to sweep Nyx but the villain jumps to avoid it. Another series of strikes are executed by Nyx, causing the Kat to stumble backwards.

Nyx goes to punch again but this time it is caught and her arm is snapped at the elbow. She screams in pain as a flurry of blows send her reeling. Sensing victory, Kat measures her opponent before delivering an explosive side kick to Nyx's jaw that sends her falling to the floor. Carefully inspecting her fallen foe, she realizes that Nyx is out cold, so she injects her with something, then does the same with Enigma who is still writhing on the floor. She goes out almost instantly.

Kat quickly turns her attention to Laleetriea. "Lee. Hey Lee, Can you her me?" The girl murmurs and bristles her brow. "Kaaaat?..." The girl's sleepy eyes barely open. "You'rrrre okayyyyy..." Laleetriea says with a dreamy slur. "You bet I am." She gives the young woman a hug and gives her a moment to clear her head. "Can you walk honey?" Kat ask. "Mmmhhmm." Laleetriea says nodding. "Do you know where they might be keeping Bobbi and the others." "Maybe the observation room." Lee replies. "Can you take me there?" Kat asked. Once again the young woman nods her head yes.

Together Kat and Laleetriea make there way to the observation room. Where they find Bobbi and the twins unconscious. Laleetriea shrieks, "Bobbi!" Kat quickly finds the switch to open the door. "Lee you go check on Cindi and Sadi. I got Bobbi." Katirina is relieved to see that Bobbi is breathing. "Bobbi it's Kat. Open your eyes honey." Kat says, gently shaking her sister. Unable to get a response from Bobbi, Kat sees that Lee has stirred the twins. "Let's get you to a hospital Bobbi." Kat says, scooping her sister up gently.

Together Laleetriea and Kat help their friends to the car waiting outside. Robert is sitting in the drivers seat. "We need to go to the hospital Robert." Kat says. "You got it babe." he responds. "Did you go in and retrieve Nyx and Enigma when I gave you the signal." Kat ask. "Have I ever let you down buttercup? They're resting comfortably in the trunk." he says with a wink.

At the hospital Cindi and Sadi have recovered but they still await word on Bobbi. The doctor eventually calls Kat over. "Mrs Williams, your sister seems to be in some sort of a coma. We've tried everything we know to bring her out but nothing's worked. I'm sorry." "Whatever you do keep her comfortable. I will find a way to help her no matter how long it takes." Kat says, becoming misty eyed. "Of course." the doctor replies. "May I see her." she ask, trying not to break down. "Certainly go right in Mrs Williams." The doctor answers.

Kat walks into her baby sisters hospital room. It takes everything she has to approach Bobbi's bedside. She grasp her sibling's hand and begins speaking to her lovingly. "Sis. It's me, I know you can hear me. If you can you need to wake up. Lee is going to need a big sister to hang out with. I'm going to talk to Robert about giving her our last name. I'm sorry I wasn't there to save you Bobbi but I am gonna come by and stay with you everyday until you wake up, I promise." Kat says as the tears start flowing.

After weeping for a few minutes Kat composes herself and says, "I have to get Lee home, but I will be back tomorrow and don't you worry I will find a way to help you. I Love you sis." She kisses Bobbi's forehead and leaves hesitantly.

She finds Lee and ask her if she is ready to go home. Puzzled the young woman ask, "Where's home?" "With me and Robert." Happiness fills Kat as she watches a smile come across Laleetriea's face.

As they both approach the twins Laleetriea ask "Will you guys be around?" looking straight at Cindi. "Oh, sugah we need to be gittn back to our home but We'll come visit often. Right Sadi?"

"You betcha" Sadi says, giving a thumbs up. "Kat you keep us posted on Bobbi, ya hear. Call us the moment she wakes up." Sadi says. "I will. thanks for all you've done guys."

In the cab ride back to Kat's house Laleetriea ask, "Where's Robert?" "He had to take a business trip. He'll be back later tomorrow." Kat says smiling. Laleetriea looks at Kat nervously. "What is it honey?" Kat ask. "Do you think Robert would mind if I called him dad?" "Oh Lee, I don't think he'd mind at all."


"So do you understand general. These two must never be allowed to wake up. They are very dangerous." "I understand Robert They will be kept very secure here in Area 51,"
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