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Old 25-06-13, 14:22
swrazor swrazor is offline
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swrazor has a spectacular aura aboutswrazor has a spectacular aura about

Authors note: This story contains the story The Return as part of its content, i'm fixing to delete it as well as the duplicate stories on the board. So if you have read The Return feel free to scroll down lol

Part 2

Weeks after events in part 1...

Stacy stepped out of the back door of the club, the rain was pouring and lightning lit up the sky this night, like heavenly paparazzi. On the way to her car Stacy bumps into a stranger, "Oh I'm sorry Ms." The stranger said. Stacy was about to rip into this idiot, when she suddenly felt herself captivated the stranger.

"You should... should wwatch wherre yourrr goiiing..." She says, her speech suddenly syrup.

"I'm sorry dear, the rain is just coming down so hard. I didn't see you. Say you look a little tipsy there, Are you drunk?" the stranger ask. Stacy was suddenly so tired, what was happening to her? She tried to answer,

"Nnooo... I havven had a siiingle..."

Suddenly the dame's legs crumpled beneath her and she fell helplessly against the stranger. She tried to peer at the stranger through drowsy eyes. She thought she saw a female but her vision was so blurred. "Come on lets go someplace more private sweetie." Stacy felt herself being lead, as her feet stumbled and dragged. She then felt her red shirt being unbuttoned then taken gently from her shoulders and finally completely off.

She felt the rain pepper her skin, it seemed warm. She could barely summon the energy to ask, "What'rrre yoooou... dooooiiiing..." The girl swayed sleepily as she spoke, her head wanting to loll.

The rain by now had drenched Stacy's strawberry blonde hair, turning it a deep brown. She never got a response from the gentle stranger and instead, felt her green sports bra come off. Then the daisy dukes she had on were being undone. She could feel the rain sliding down her bare breast. All at once the stranger spoke, the voice making her dreamy and carefree. "Do you ever pleasure yourself honey?" the voice asked.

"Sssometiimesss..." Stacy replied slurredly.

The stranger took the young woman's hand for a moment, then said. "Why don't you try it now hun? You'll feel really good if you do." The stranger began to stroke Stacy's face, as the girl drowsily slid her hand down her own shorts and began to pleasure herself. Stacy moaned, lost in a sleepy dream of ecstasy, her head kept bobbing trying to fall asleep, while her eyes were rolling trying to do the same. She had no idea that she was standing completely topless in the deluge.

All of a sudden, Stacy suddenly felt as if she were floating, she started to feel rain run down her feet and then over her busy hand. She sleepily wondered who was undressing her and began to moan in slight objection.The voice suddenly spoke once more. "It's alright, I'm taking the rest of your clothes off so you will be more comfortable." The words reassure Stacy, while she faintly registers her shoes and shorts sliding off her body. "Very good, now just relax yourself further in this nice sedating shower... Relax..." The stranger cooed.

This made sure that Stacy would not realize that she was floating a couple off feet of the ground, still in a standing position. Once she was completely naked the stranger brought her down, putting an arm around her. The girl absolutely melts, her upper half the only thing being supported.

Stacy, arching in the strangers grip, gazes with rolling eyes and, hears the voice say, "I'm going to kiss you now, don't be frightened." With that, the stranger pulls Stacy's warm, limp and nude body in close, engulfing her into a deep kiss. The shear tenderness of the kiss, nearly finishes off Stacy's consciousness but she holds on somehow, participating in the kiss as best she can, in her very sleepy condition.

Then slowly the kiss ends and the nice stranger speaks softly again. "Stacy, I want you to curl up right where you are and go off to sleep. Can you do that for me? We will kiss again when you wake." Stacy eagerly obey's and does just that, slumping to the ground. Like a magician, The stranger draws some kind of white energy from the fallen girl and then turns her exotic eyes toward the stormy sky, saying, "Once... you took everything from me... Now I shall do the same to you Katirina... I Nyx will show you no mercy..."


Some time later, In a bar somewhere in Georgia...

Cindi and Sadi Remington, sat in their favorite bar, it had been about 3 years since they had helped their dear friend Katirina powers, A.K.A Amethyst, rescue her sister and an orphaned teen from what can only be described as supernatural beings. Sadi was wearing a black blouse with matching leather vest, jeans, a belt with a large silver belt buckle and her trademark white snake skin boots. Her blonde hair flowed like liquid gold to the middle of her back.

Cindi was wearing a white halter top, a belt identical to that of her sisters, a pair of daisy dukes, brown cowboy boots and her white Stetson hat. They had befriended the owner of this establishment and it was just the three of them inside, since it was near closing time. The owners name was Jackie, she was wearing a t-shirt, jeans and sneakers. Her hair was short and reddish brown.

"Hey Sadi?," Jackie says, "Howa bout a game of darts before I lock up?"

"Sure but I will just kick your behind." Sadi shoots back with a playful smile. Meanwhile Cindi heads for the ladies room.

"Yeah, yeah, you just get ready missy. I gotta take care of something first, then it's on." Jackie says, turning the jukebox on and cranking it up, before heading to the back. She makes her way back toward the washrooms, all the while soaking a cloth with a clear liquid. Jackie quietly opens the door to the women's room and hears Cindi still in the stall. She takes a position to the side of it, cloth in hand.

When Cindi steps out of the stall, Jackie jumps her, slapping the saturated cloth over the blonde's mouth. Cindi immediately starts to struggle but Jackie is prepared. She keeps the spunky cowgirl pretty well pinned, not allowing her to gain any real leverage. The feisty Georgian struggles ferociously but after several seconds, she begins to weaken, as the energy is zapped from her. She is a real fighter but soon becomes unbearably sleepy.

Cindi registers her arms losing their grip on her attackers wrist and arm, seconds later they fall uselessly to her side. The girl tries to hang on, flopping her arms on occasion, as her pretty eyes roll up in submission.

Jackie is guilt ridden over what she is being forced to do, she can feel her friend going limp and losing consciousness. "I'm so sorry Cind... God forgive me..." The last thing Jackie can make out from Cindi, is her sister's name. With Cindi now unconscious, Jackie must move to her other target, An unsuspecting Sadi. She lays Cindi on the floor and hesitantly leaves the room.

Sadi, is practicing when Jackie re-enters. The music is still blaring from the jukebox and Sadi hasn't noticed her friends return. So Jackie reaches underneath the bar and pulls out a tranq pistol that was provided to her. A million things go through Jackie's mind, as she takes aim at an oblivious Sadi. She pulls the trigger before she can lose her nerve.

The small dart slams into Sadi's right butt cheek, causing her to produce a sudden "ouch!" Sadi reaches back and plucks the projectile out. "Hey. This looks like a... a trrranq darrr..." A train like sleepiness slams her, causing her to stumble and nearly pass out where she stands. Her eyes start to roll back but she fights to maintain her consciousnes and is able to finally turn around. Though her legs are noodle like.

Sadi is looking through blurry vision and sees a hazy Jackie holding a gun. "Ja-Jackie?... Wha-whadderyooou doooing?..."

"I'm sorry Sadi, they threaten to hurt my son." Jackie begged, nearly weeping. The drugs hold was tightening, it was getting hard for Sadi to hold her eyes open, all she wanted to do was sleep.

"Whh-whhoooo?..." Sadi garbled, bumbling into a nearby table. Sadi's hair had really fallen into her face, since her head had been tilting drowsily and trying to loll. However she no longer has the energy to brush it away. Despite being only semi-conscious at this point, Sadi wills herself to keep moving towards a very remorseful Jackie.

Suddenly a figure walks into the bar and brushes Jackie aside. "It was me Sadi and though you are fighting the sedative very valiantly, you will pass out sweetie. But I promise to take care of you and your sister." Sadi vaguely recognized the taunting voice.

"Nnnyx... Yyooou shhtay away ffrrrom mmmy sssiiisssterr..." At this point Sadi is barely functioning, She cannot take a single step without lolling her head and rolling her eyes. Her arms hang like lead wind chimes, going as her body goes. The helpless beauties lights are about to go out, but she refuses to believe it, slurring, "Iwilll ssstop you..." The poor girl's head is lolling back even as she says this. A sly but demented smile crosses Nyx's face, as she watches Sadi more or less drag herself toward her.

"Oh brave, brave but foolish girl, you will be stopping no one. Discard your misplaced stubbornness and just go to sleep."

"Nnnooooo..." Sadi moans, getting close enough to slap an arm against a giddy Nyx. Her other arm drapes over the villain's shoulder, falling well short of Sadi's intent. Having no functionality at all, the girl's eyes roll over white and she collapses completely and totally against Nyx. Having absolutely no idea the fate that would await her. Nyx then lays the sleeping Sadi on the bar floor then turns her attention to a frozen and terrified Jackie.

"I did what you wanted. Please let me go home to my son." she pleads. A sympathetic look comes over Nyx's face.

"You've done well. So well in fact that I will take you to him myself." the she demon says, in her ice cold Russian accent. Then with cat like grace, a throat strike lands, leaving Jackie gasping for air. She lets the poor woman linger and then, "Enjoy your eternal reunion love..." She says, snapping Jackie's neck and her life. "Time to collect you and your sister." She says to a sleeping Sadi. "I have a concert to attend."


"I'm so glad Mom let us take some time off from training to attend this concert," Constance said to the others. Constance had become extremely close to her adopted sister Lee, like two peas in a pod really. Tina Taylor and Melissa Pierce had come to respect both girls and their family, after being plucked from the downward spiral their lives had taken.

"Yeah but you guys wouldn't even be here if I hadn't got you three interested in Heavy metal." Tina boasted.

"True" Melissa responded. The four girls took their seats. In just a few moments, the announcer came out to introduce the first band, they were known as dreamscape. All the band members were rather non-de script, except for the lead singer, who was female. She had black hair with fine white tips, her eyes were brown. She wore what looked to be medieval style clothing, with a hooded cloak. They were all a matching smoke gray. She introduced herself as Serene. Curiously, all other members of the band had a zombie like expression. "Look guys, half the band looks baked." Melissa pointed out.

"Yeah I hope they can still play." remarked Lee The band began to play a cover of Within Temptation's "Where Is The End." The singer's voice had a quality that seemed to slowly draw you in. After a few moments, Lee found herself getting queasy and faint but tried to ignore it. But that faintness quickly evolved into full blown drowsiness, as her eyes started to roll and her lids drooped. Something familiar about her... Lee thought dreamily. As Lee became more sleepy, she felt her cares melting away but then something happened.

The vocalist's eyes changed color to an exotic pink color. Flags tried to trip in Lee's mind. One finally did causing her to slur, "Nnnyx..." She managed to turn and look at the rest of her companions. Melissa's head was slumped, her brownie colored hair hanging like thick foliage. She appeared to be unconscious. Tina's head was flopped completely back, her eyelids where fluttering, as though they were wings of a monarch butterfly. Constance's eyes were rolling slowly, she was fighting her sudden affliction the hardest. Her head bobbed and rolled, causing her long raven locks to overtake parts of her face.

"Guys... wake uuup... we, we haaaveto go... Nasafe hherrrre..." Lee mumbled. Constance was the only one able to give a response.

"Tirrred... juuuusss... tirrred..." she mumbled.

"Come onnnn Connnnstance... Yooou'vvve ga toooo hhhel..." I cannn't hhhold onnn... Con..." Lee says, pawing helplessly at the drowsy Constance beside her. The last thing Lee registered was being lifted over a shoulder...


Kat sat in her sister Bobbi's hospital room, clutching her I.V clad hand like she had every day since her sister had been stricken with the effects of Bendiss's vile concoction. She had been administering a substance she hoped was a cure, for the past 3 years. She sat day dreaming when suddenly, she felt the impossible. Her sisters hand had moved! Kat bolted up, she dare not hope. But then Bobbi began to moan and slowly opened her eyes.

"Mmmmuuuuhhhh... Kat..." Bobbi's hazy vision slowly cleared, as she spoke.

"Yes! it's me sis. I'm right here." Kat couldn't stop the water works from flowing. "You came back." She gushed."

"Yeah and it's a good thing to. You look like shit." Bobbi kidded, her voice still faintly slurred.

Over the next few minutes a flurry of doctors had come in to examine Bobbi. After things calmed down Kat said, "I'm running home to freshen up. I can't let you upstage me in looks." Bobbi stuck her tongue out at her, as Kat exited.

15 minutes later, Bobbi had drifted back off to sleep but was stirred by a nurse entering her room. She didn't think anything of it when the nurse filled her I.V. But then her head quickly began to spin and she suddenly felt ridiculously sleepy. Poor Bobbi couldn't stop her eyes from rolling. Whatever she was given was hitting her hard and fast. "Hhhey... whatttwassss innnthaa..." She was forced into slumber before she could finish her question.

Bobbi's chest moved up and down slowly, until a second I.V drug made it stop. Sending the heart monitor into one constant sound of finality.

20 minutes after leaving Bobbi's room Katirina was trying to reach Robert and tell him the glorious news but could only get his voicemail. "Hi babe, it's Kat, I have wonderful news, Bobbi woke up!" She couldn't contain her jubilation. "Call me soon. I Love you." With those words, she ended the message, then exited her car and proceeded back through the hospital entrance. On the way to Bobbi's room, she was stopped by a grim faced nurse.

"Mrs. Williams?"


"There has been an incident." the nurse said uneasily.

Kat could read it on the nurse's face something was terribly wrong. "Whata you mean? What's wrong with Bobbi?" she ask, when the woman visibly searched for words, true dread washed over Kat. She easily pushed past the short woman in front of her and sprinted towards her sister's room. When she reached it, she found a lifeless Bobbi with a sheet over her. "No. No. No! No!... Bobbi!!!"

Kat's wail was one of pure agony and despair. She yanked back the sheet and began doing CPR on her beloved sibling. She did it until her arms burned like fire. Then she did it some more. "Come on Bobbi, don't you die on me! Dammit don't you die!!!" Tears fell like rain on Bobbi's skin. When several minutes pass and Bobbi doesn't move, reality finally sets in. Kat's knees collapse, she yanks Bobbi up in an embrace, her body is still warm. Kat begins sobbing and screaming. She must've blacked out because doesn't remember the drive back to her house.

She walks to her front door and sees a note on it. that reads:

How does it feel to have those you love taken away, just as they are given back to you. I have your two daughters and your throw always, as well as two old friends. You can find me here. I'll be waiting..."


I'll be waiting... I'll be waiting... Those words kept ringing in Kat's mental ears, as she drove to have a showdown with the succubus called Nyx. She didn't know how the bitch had escaped area 51 but Kat swore to herself that Nyx would not live to escape again. For her sister, for her family and for humanity in general, she swore it. She arrived at the designated location. It was a deserted area in the country with fields all around. It did have one building made of concrete, that had two broken windows in front and though she couldn't see for sure, she knew it probably had a leaky roof to.

Kat opened the rusty metal door it had for an entrance. As she stepped inside, a wasp and hornet, both of which seemed as big as her whole hand, buzzed by, nearly getting entangled in her long midnight tresses. The interior was wide open and spacious, no furnishings of any kind were visible. Whimpers made her turn suddenly.

Sadie and Cindi as well as Tina and Melissa, were alert and struggling against what appeared to be well secured rope. Lee and Constance were nowhere to be seen. Kat immediately began freeing her friends. This was too easy but Kat's judgment had been clouded by pure emotion, allowing Nyx to slip in unseen. She began to clap slowly, as each of her prisoners stood. "Very good I'm impressed." Sneered Nyx

"Really Nyx. I thought you were smarter than this. There is five of us and one of you. You are not walkin outa here." Cindi said, as the others simply nodded in unity. Nyx seemed unfazed by the bravado.

"Really? Well first let me correct you, There will only be four of you." she says, waving her gloved hand. It was then that Kat found herself unable to move. Tina being over confident spoke.

"The four of us can still kick your albino ass. We owe you."

"Damn, right we do!" Melissa added.

"You underestimate me child. You see when me and Amethyst fought 3 years ago I still had a code. No longer. I lost that when I lost my beloved daughter Dineeria. I do not need my mystical powers to be lethal, as you will see. You 4 will meet death by my hands." Nyx says, taking a fighting stance. Unable to move an unexplainable chill runs through Kat, as her comrades prepare to engage.

Melissa and Tina are the first to charge in recklessly, Melissa punches at Nyx, only to have her arm severely broken at the wrist and elbow, she screams but only for a second, before she is thrown to her stomach and her neck is stomped on and broken. Fixing her now unseeing eyes in place. Tina tries to catch Nyx from behind but the entity throws a vicious elbow that sends Tina reeling. She follows it up with a smashing head butt. By now Tina has been effectively neutralized, her eyes are rolling and she is semi-conscious at best. Kat is horrified and screaming for her friends to flee.

Before she can finish Tina off, Nyx's knee suddenly buckles thanks to a good kick from Sadi. She cries in pain and is momentarily stunned. "Stay down bitch!" Sadi cries. She is standing over a stooped Nyx, and the fight seems won until Nyx suddenly gives a wicked double palm thrust to Sadi's chest. Sadi feels an intense pain and cannot breathe. She feels her life draining away and knows she is done. Sadi tries to say I love you to Cindi but the words won't come. The hero drops to her knees in her last moments, only to be pushed down like a toy, by a fully recovered Nyx.

Cindi, sees her dear twin fall and flies into a blind rage, this allows Nyx to pull Sadi's revolvers, that she collected earlier. Shots ring out, One after the other, striking Cindi in her chest. Cindi stumbles backward do to the force of the bullet's impact. "Cindi!!! God nooo!!!" Kat cries. All of her friends were dying in front of her and there was nothing she could do.

Nyx calmly walks over to a lingering Cindi. "Ok I lied. I used your own twin's weapons to kill you. Quite poetic though, don't you think?" She says, heartlessly.

"Fuck you..." Cindi rasp, in between coughs of blood.

"No dear, fuck you. Nyx gleamed, as she watched the light in Cindi's eyes go out slowly. Looking almost bored, Nyx walks over and puts a bullet in Tina, who had collapsed to the ground. With her foes extinguished, Nyx could turn her attention to Kat, who was angry and mortified all at once.

"You Monster! you chicken shit! You couldn't just fight me could you?" Kat wailed, through clinched teeth.

"Oh I could have." Nyx says, drawing a huge Katana. "and you would have died, just like them. No, death is to easy for you. You see I am going to let you live. While at the same time, deny you of what you want most. I have one last surprise for you. Katirina, or would you like me to call you Amethyst. Nyx walks to the far end and can be heard opening a door. She returns with a hostage.

"Robert! Kat gasp. She tries to will herself out of this paralysis but to no avail.

Relishing the pain on Kat's face, Nyx continues. "I am going to die today but on my own terms." With a smile. she rams the huge sword through both her and Robert, like a human shish kabob.

Kat's next scream could have brought down this dilapidated building but it brought nothing but pleasure to a dying Nyx. When she dies Kat finds herself able to move and rushes to Robert's side. "You're going to be ok baby, stay with me. She blubbers, her voice shaking"

"No buttercup, I'm afraid I am not." Robert says in a labored voice. "Listen, go to our house and find a folder in a secret compartment in my desk. It's the case I've been working on. I... I've not been totally honest with you babe. Find the folder... I Love you Katirina, always... Let me see that beautiful smile one last time before I die..." Kat forces herself to smile, as a part of her dies along with Robert.

Kat, completely devastated, exits the building several minutes later, completely devoid of emotion. She blandly calls for an ambulance and the police. Then suddenly from the field she hears rustling. All at once out comes a stumbling Constance carrying a limp Lealeetriea. Kat runs to them and takes Lee, just before Constance collapses. Both girl's were badly beaten but alive.

Back at the house both, Constance and Lee have been sedated and are recuperating. Kat had found the folder Robert spoke of. It contained a paper with Robert's handwriting and a black and white photo of a woman. Part of the paper read.

I must find out, what happened to Sydney, I owe this woman my life. There is no way this woman is a willing junkie, someone set her up. I hate lying to Kat, she doesn't know about my cancer. A cancer that Sydney cured with her experimental treatments. I will find out what's going on. Until then Sydney is at my safehouse.The words on that single piece of paper were like a final gut punch to Kat.

After sitting on her bed crying and staring into space for close to an hour, Kat slowly walks into her room where Constance and Lee are. She strokes their bruised faces and then walks to her dresser. Opening it, she pulls out the purple sunglasses Robert had given her and puts them on saying, "Katirina died with you Robert but Amethyst will fulfill your last request and repay you and Kat's debt to Sydney.
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