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Old 27-04-15, 21:03
Carriage5 Carriage5 is offline
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Hi John,

Thank you for the consideration.As always I'll leave it to you,Annabelle and TCG to breathe over the plot and add those little details such as unusual shoot angles,cool editing,dialogue gems,props and ambiance and those little details like identity cards etc.

With regard to The Bank Job Part 3 (Nurse swap),yes you are correct.The corridor at the base of the stairs act as the Hospital corridor.
I was thinking that after the shot of the Hospital you could have a blank screen with 'Admin block at St. Steven's Hospital' or similar to establish where we were.This would make the location seem more real realistic as unfortunately there's no way the ground floor at the studio looks like a standard hospital corridor (wide,vinyl floors,electric strip lighting etc).

A second thought regarding ease of location,does one of the ground floor rooms have a bed?If so it could be used as a bedsit location (like at the start of Help for Holly).

Below is a second draft taking the above ideas on board:

Scenario 2 Second Draft

Title: The Bank Job Part 3

Type : 10th Street gang Uniform steal.

Models:Villainess and target as available or appropriate

Clothes : Gangmember :-panties,bra,overcoat,black gloves.court shoes,sunglasses,
Nurse:- Dark blue uniform,belt,,tights,white flats.

Props:Personal -Wig (opposite colour to model playing villainess in video),wig cap,small brown classic chloro bottle,large white soft pad (as security steal release),pistol,sunglasses.
Furniture - Bed,bedside cabinet,alarm table clock,ashtray,full length mirror,

Synopsis : The Job has gone badly.The gang got away but Kelly was caught in the confusion.She suffered from smoke inhalation when the security system kicked in.She's recovering at a local hospital under police guard.Fat Sam needs someone to get in and remind Kelly to keep her mouth shut.

Location :Studio

Prologue scene
1.Opens with blank screen with 'A rundown bedsit in the city'
2.Gang member,wearing only panties and bra lying upright on bed,she's smoking a cigarette (E -type),she reaches into the draw in the cabinet and pulls out a wig.
3.Still smoking she examines the wig smiling "The things I have to do" etc.
4.Wig in one hand,she reaches for the bedside clock,realises the time "Time to get ready".
5.Final drag on the cigarette puts in ashtray and moves to in front of mirror.
6.She put's her hair up tight,covered by a wigcap and puts on the wig (preferably from front to back of head,see Holly in 'Dangerous Witness release dd August 2nd 2012) using the full length mirror.(see Help for Holly release for gist)
7.There is the sound of a loud knock on the door (out of shot) and Fat Sam (not seen ) shouts "Come on time to go! All right all right 5 minuites! she shouts back.
8.Finishing off the wig (making it look right etc) she put's on a large overcoat/mac and black leather gloves.
9.She goes to the bedside cabinet takes out a gun,chloro bottle and pad and puts them in her coat pockets.
10.She picks up the pair of sumglasses next to the bedside clock,goes back to the mirror puts them on and admires herself in the mirror.
Even though Sam is in a hurry she takes her time during items 4,5 &6.
11.She then shouts "ready" and we hear door open.
12.The camera now becomes Fat Sam we see the door swing open (close up) and see the gangmember standing there she seeks approval and admonished by Fat Sam "?I don't care as long as your not recognised, lets go! etc (voice only) she hurries towards the camera scene fade.

Scene 2 :
1.Opening shot of a hospital followed by a blank screen with 'Admin block at St. Steven's Hospital' or similar.
2.Scene opens with gang member in corridor,she removes her sunglasses and checks one of the rooms to make sure it's clear.
3.She takes out the chloro pad and douses it liberally with the chloro.She sniffs it and repells at the stench.She puts the pad back in her pocket.
4.A nurse comes along corridor.Gang member goes out into corridor looking flustered.
5.Nurse challenges her "The public shouldn't be in this area of the hospital".
6.Gangmember "I know but there's a woman in trouble in that room can you help?".Nurse proceeds at hurry into the room "What's happened? did she collapse?" etc.
7.On entering the room the nurse stops and looks puzzled "There's no lady in trouble here"
8.Gangmember says "Oh yes there is".
If chloro then as 'Security guard' release 1st part (forceful angry 'grunting' from the nurse through the pad gangmember saying "Breath it in" cupping the nurses breast to increase inhalation etc) ending with gangmember pulling the nurse back so that the gang members back is against the wall and as the nurse looses consciousness (but still struggling) sliding down the wall ending with them both sitting on the floor ,the nurse eye rolling then eyes closed breathing deeply and moaning softly pad still in place.
"Good girl you enjoyed that didn't you?" type comment followed by a pat on the cheek.

If gun strip then gangmember pulls out automatic and orders "Strip!".Usual complaints etc

9.Nurse stripped or self strip.
10.Bindings tape and classic cleave gag.
11.Gangmember takes off coat and redresses.If nurse not chloroed then muffled complaints.
12.If nurse chloro sbdued wakes up during redressing starts muffled complaining.
13.When finished redressing Gangmember asks "What do you think ?" etc.
14.Nurse is rechloroed or chloroed for first time if gun strip "Don't want to raise the alarm do we"
a.If second time chloro then low complaints "breath in" eye rolling etc
b.If first chloro i.e.after gun strip then same as 'Security guard' release (head moving,body and legs struggling against her bindings,forceful grunting etc ). Could have gangmember saying "Now being a nurse I'm sure you know what this does" before applying the pad.
15.Gangmember gets up checks her appearance(uniform straight,'hair' OK etc) and leaves.

Epilogue scene
This runs as originaly described above except the camera becomes Fat Sam.i.e. it follows the gang member into the bedsit the gang member going to the bed and mirror,removing the wig and hair shaking loose done (with a "phew!" of relief) and talking to the camera (Miss Harris won't give us any hassle etc) as though Sam had followed her in.
She starts to undress out of the uniform you can have her say "Err Sam a little privacy please" replied by Sam "OK OK you've done good today,I'll give you a call tomorrow" camera backs off as gang member continues stripping scene fades.

Hope this all makes sense,I think this second draft works better.
It also means that it doesn't matter if the staircase is in shot in scene 2 and you don't have to lug lighting and camera equipment up and down the stairs.

Anything need clarifying let me know.

Three further points:
1.With regard to Scenario "The Bank Job part 2"(Traffic Warden swap) it's a real pity we don't have access to the warehouse anymore as it made an excellent carpark and would have been ideal for this episode plus it rules out scenes inside cars etc.
2.God knows I tried to shoehorn a wig into this swap but it just didn't scan properly.
3.If possible please don't use Anita for the Nurse swap scenario (The Bank Job part 3).She is, as you know,a real favourite and would be excellent as always but I think the plotline is too similar to the 'Help for Holly' release in which she starred.It will also give other models a chance to practice wig work.


Last edited by Carriage5; 28-04-15 at 15:33.
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