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Old 28-05-17, 11:28
Void99 Void99 is offline
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Void99 is on a distinguished road

I love the history on things related to Ancient Rome. But I remember seeing the BBC documentary drama "Pompeii- The Last Day" which has given me many nightmares!!! More than any fictional horror movie ever could.

You know Mount Vesuvius is apparently set to blow it's top again? Experts believe that Volcano's like that build and massively erupt every 2000 years. There have already been a few minor eruptions over the last century. That thing is a ticking time (nuclear) bomb! Last year the Italian authorities said they are now preparing evacuation plans.

But there are apparently 600,000 people living in and around the dangerous spots that would be in immediate danger if it goes off on the same scale like it did in the first century AD. Scary stuff. I would not want to be anywhere near that thing, that's for sure.

Still, glad you both had a good safe trip. Happy birthday.
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