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Old 11-04-20, 17:04
Void99 Void99 is offline
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Was certainly an interesting watch.
Does raise some points about the internet being a source of panic and sensationalism due to how instantaneous news travels compared to many years ago pre-internet or when the internet was in it's earlier stages.
Another problem is that the majority are not scientifically knowledgeable to fully understand what is being said. Listening to 2 sides of a debate on a subject one is not qualified on, really is no way to tell who is right or who is wrong. And that can lead to all sorts of manipulation from either side.

Had this issue with Brexit, see a 2 hour video from a remain perspective and a 2 hour video from a leave perspective, coupled with the fact I was not even alive prior to Britain joining the EU and have absolutely no life experience on what life was actually like pre Britain EU I really qualified to cast a vote on something I am utterly unsure on?

Certainly does create a lot of internal conflict.
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