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Old 23-04-20, 21:02
Void99 Void99 is offline
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As more time goes by...the more weirder things feel for me.
Though I'm still working a seasonal job .....about 400 of us. The 2 meter rule is impossible to keep to, no matter how hard the marshals try!
Thing is...not 1 person has had symptoms, had a relative with the symptoms or knows of anyone who does.
Does anyone here know of anyone within their family and friends that's come down with it?
I lived in the South East all my life up until the end of 2018 ....not one person I know down there has known anyone get the illness.

And even more strange....why is the term "Covid-19" and "Coronavirus" essentially banned for people who have monetised channels on Youtube? People I watch with gaming channels are afraid to use those terms for fear of being demonetised!!! Have the terms been trademarked or something??? Ready for the inevitable blockbuster oscar winning movie that will no doubt be made sometime down the line. You just know it's going to happen. Movies, books and music about how humanity overcame the pandemic! And don't forget the lawsuits over who has the rights to what ....big cash to be made from all this.

I keep hearing these PSA announcements on the radio "Stay at home, protect the NHS, save Lives" ..... starting to sound like friggin' Robocop! "I am a robot...serve the public trust, protect the innocent....uphold the law!" ....and all these banners I keep seeing on the way to work with the same taglines on them, like some sort of brainwashing mind control.

Sorry if this offends anyone....but I can't help but think we are being played to some degree.
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