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Old 25-07-12, 19:50
boundngag boundngag is offline
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boundngag is on a distinguished road
Default Robin Van Persie

Last year I was pissed off about the Fabregas and Nasri situation. I thought that the Fabregas situation was somewhat inevitable, given the transfer saga the previous summer and should have been dealt with much earlier in the summer. All that haggling didn't exactly get Arsenal much more money did it? The Nasri situation was more irritating, as it came accross as being purely about the money. The season before had been Nasri's only consistently good season for us (even then, he faded towards the end of the season. But then the whole team did) and before that, he had not even been in our first team.

The Robin Van Persie I'm not so annoyed about. Basically, I agree with what he said. I don't know what Arsenal are trying to achieve. Every year, they generate healthy profits (I think in terms of money generation, we were seccond only to Man Utd last season) and every year, not long after the profits are published, a small article appears (I don't know if anyone has noticed this?) along the lines that all the money isn't profits, it's already been earmarked for other purposes.

It's as if Arsenal are planting articles to pretend they have no money. They are generating a lot of money, either spend it on buying better players and keeping our best ones (Robin Van Persie) or reduce the price of what are the most expensive season tickets in the country! I think Wenger has lost his touch (and maybe, given the weird way he acts these days, lost interest), Gazidis seems to know nothing about football and Kroenke just wants to make money for himself. Personally, I'd like them all to leave and give Usmanov a go at running the club. He couldn't do much worse than Kroenke. But lets face iot, that's never going to happen. If Arsenal do nothing, the forseeable future of the club is a gradual slide down the table, in my opinion.
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