Thread: Star Wars
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Old 20-02-16, 13:12
Posts: n/a

This should challenge the new Star Wars movie at the annual Oscars. Alien Jodie is beamed down and has a gun, which although can destroy all objects, can only TEAR dresses. ( ?? ) Fortunately, their slips seem immune from damage.

Kasey tries to rip Alien Jodie's dress off, seemingly unperturbed by the fact that she's holding a gun,----wonderful sense of priority some women have, which is probably why we love them so much!

In short, they all end up in their slips, ( Alien Jodie's is particularly knob-worthy!! )

Jodie is beamed back up to her mothership to the total dismay of Kasey, ( more comically bemused looks from her ). Meanwhile. Sophie and Kasey relish in the glory of having saved the world, again making Mr. Spidley redundant.

The girls all look super-delish in their beautiful slips and their deliberate over-acting is what makes it for me.
Kasey is turning into a Goddess with every appearance, her initial girlie prettiness changing rapidly to womanly beauty.

My only reservation is that there was no WOOKIE character.
He was probably behind the scenes, having Wookie-Nookie with the girls in their slips, ( who'd blame him for that!! ) Similarly, Chewbacca must have popped out for a fag. ALRIGHT--I WON'T DO ANYMORE.
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