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Old 19-01-10, 12:16
CBiscuit CBiscuit is offline
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Default Waitress


Kim was getting dressed in her uniform. The club was called Knockers. The uniform consisted of bikini underpants, a skimpy halter top, sheer pantyhose, hot pants, and brown boots that came to mid calf. She felt nearly naked, but she had an important job to do. Her boobs were a little small for the top, so when she bent over her nipples were visible. She would have to wing it.

She had been transferred out of her undercover prison assignment suddenly, since 2 waitresses were missing from here with no clues. They were both in uniform and left work and never returned. Their cars were found in working order on the side of different roads and their keys and purses were left inside. There were no signs of struggle and no witnesses.

Kim introduced herself to the bartender, and he showed her around. He was worried about the other girls, and what worried him more was that Melissa, the girl Kim would be working with was late.

Suddenly the phone rang. It was Melissa. She could not get her car to start and would need a ride. The bartender was relieved that she was OK and asked if Kim would pick her up and bring her to work. When Kim said she didn’t come in a car, the bartender handed her his keys and said that she could use his. He pointed to a small SUV in the parking lot and told her where Melissa lived.

Within 15 minutes Kim was in Melissa’s driveway. She honked the horn and a girl about her age appeared at the door. She waved to Kim and motioned that she would be right out. Kim waited with the engine running.

Melissa was a tall, slim, blue eyed brunette about 5 feet 5 with a tiny waist and well rounded, fairly good size breasts. She was in her uniform, and as she was getting dressed she thought she heard someone in the house. She looked all over and found no one. Maybe she was getting jumpy because of her missing friends. When her car wouldn’t start she almost freaked, but called work instead. Now she was happy. Her ride was here.

Melissa went to the kitchen to get her purse. When she walked through the door and turned the light on, a huge man grabbed her from behind. He was over 6 feet tall and was built like the incredible hulk. He placed one hand over her mouth and tightly held her arms behind her back. She struggled to no avail. She watched in horror as another smaller man in a ski mask approached her from the front. He had a bottle in his hand and was pouring something on a shiny white square of cotton cloth. He poured on so much that it dripped on the floor. Then he came up to her and placed the cloth over her nose and mouth. The other man had since removed his hand from her mouth and was holding her ever tighter.

Melissa thrashed like a wildcat and tried to break free and turn her head away from the cloth. The big guy just lifted her off the floor and wrapped his leg around both of hers. Then he lowered her down and she was totally helpless. She tried to hold her breath, but her struggle had used up all her air. As she inhaled the fumes she started to feel dizzy almost immediately. She tried inhaling slow shallow breaths, but her vision was getting fuzzy anyway. There was so much chloroform on the cloth that resistance was hopeless! She blinked her eyes to try and focus. That’s the last thing she remembered.

The men finally relaxed as Melissa’s eyes finally fluttered and rolled closed. Then she was as limp as a rag doll in their arms. The smaller guy held the cloth on her for about 30 seconds and pulled it away. The big guy carefully lowered her limp body to the floor.

Kim got tired of waiting, and turned off the engine and went to the door to see what was taking Melissa so long. She rang the bell and there was no response. Since the door was partly open, she stepped inside and called to Melissa. There was no answer. She had to be there, since Kim had just waved to her. Kim saw the light on in the kitchen and went in to look for Melissa.

As Kim entered the kitchen she saw Melissa’s unconscious body on the floor. She quickly reached in her purse for her cell phone. Before she could even get to the phone she was grabbed from behind. Her purse fell to the floor and spilled all over. The guy was huge and incredibly strong. As she tried to break free, she saw another man with a bottle and a white cloth pad. Now Kim knew what had happened. Melissa had been chloroformed and she was about to join her.

Kim watched helplessly as the other guy soaked the pad with what seemed like an awful lot of chloroform. The big guy held her so tightly that she knew there was no hope of breaking free. She also knew that she could never resist that much fresh chloroform either. But she couldn’t just give up easily. They might get suspicious. She continued to try to struggle and tied to turn away from the cloth. The cloth was placed tightly over her nose and mouth and she was held tightly.

The smaller guy watched in satisfaction as Kim’s eyes began to flutter. Then her struggles subsided as her eyes rolled closed and her beautiful blonde head went limp in his hands. He held the cloth on Kim longer after she was out than he did for Melissa. After about a minute he finally pulled it away. Then he lowered her to the floor next to Melissa. When they were ready, the smaller guy picked Kim up and carried her over his shoulder, and the big guy cradle carried Melissa. They turned out the lights and locked the house behind them, leaving both girls’ purses behind. The items had been put back in Kim’s purse, and it was placed on the counter to hide the signs of struggle. The girls were carried to a parked van and placed inside. The smaller guy went to Melissa’s car and opened the hood. Then he replaced the wire he had disconnected and closed the hood again. The police would be baffled as to what happened as usual.

The small guy drove the van while the big guy sat in back with the girls. The van had a mattress on the floor and the windows were tinted so no one could see inside. The big guy tied the girls’ hands behind their backs and then bound their legs at the ankles. He also had more chloroform ready. He stuffed a white cloth over each girl’s nose and mouth and tied it on with a scarf like a gag. Then he rested and made himself comfortable for the drive that would take several hours.

Melissa started to wake up first. She could feel that she was moving. It was dark and she couldn’t see much. Then she looked up and saw the big guy with a ski mask right in front of her. She watched in horror as he opened the bottle of chloroform and held it near her face. Then he carefully poured some on the cloth that was over her nose and mouth. The fumes were both sweet and potent as she started to feel lightheaded within seconds. She was barely awake from the first chloroforming, and was in no shape to resist now. Her ears were making a dull ringing sound and her vision was blurring. In less than a minute, her eyes fluttered and rolled closed once more. Her beautiful head fell limp to the side and she automatically continued to inhale more chloroform as she was drawn ever deeper into unconsciousness.

Kim woke up about half an hour later. She was bound and couldn’t move. She saw Melissa and could tell she was still unconscious. Kim could smell chloroform. When she turned around she saw the big guy in the ski mask holding the open bottle. She watched helplessly as he poured a generous amount on the cloth that was tied over her nose and mouth. Kim took tiny breaths and tried to stay awake. She needed to remember things. She looked around the van. It was dark and she couldn’t see much. She looked out the window but it was dark and there was nothing to see. The driver and the other guy both wore ski masks. They were going fast on what seemed like a lonely road. Kim couldn’t hear any other cars passing them. She carefully studied the inside of the van. She looked all around. Eventually her eyes began to flutter. She knew she was out of time! She would surrender to the chloroform now. She took several deep breaths. She inhaled once, then again, and after that everything went blank.

The man was amazed at how long Kim was able to stay awake. He figured he hadn’t used enough chloroform. He opened the bottle and re-soaked Kim’s cloth. Kim’s unconscious body helplessly continued to inhale the potent fumes. She would be out for a long, long time now!

Melissa woke up first. She was on a bed and was no longer bound. She got up and moved around. She nearly collapsed when she first stood up, still groggy from all the chloroform. Then she regained her balance, and looked out the one window the room had. It was covered with a grate from the outside. It looked like she was in an abandoned college dorm room on a deserted campus. She went to the door and tried it. It was locked of course. She went to the other bed across from hers and shook Kim and tried to wake her up. She wouldn’t budge. She was still deeply under.

About an hour later Kim finally woke up. She was really out of it for a few minutes. Then she asked Melissa where they were. Both girls looked out the window and sized up the situation. Kim said that they should not try to escape until they found out if the other missing girls were around somewhere. Melissa agreed. Kim also warned her not to fight too much either, as it was hopeless to resist the chloroform, and if they behaved better, they might be left awake longer enabling them to find out what was going on. Kim did not reveal she was a cop however. She couldn’t be totally sure of Melissa quite yet. She could well have acted as bait to get her here!

Soon two men entered the room in lab coats and ski masks. They were nothing like the goons that grabbed them. They ordered both girls to sit on their beds. They said that if the girls didn’t try to escape, they would be released in a few weeks. If either of them saw something they weren’t supposed to see or got a look at the men unmasked they would be disposed of though.

Kim asked about the other girls, and was told that a number of other girls like them were here and would all be released safely if they cooperated. That was all they would say for now. Melissa would be going with them for now and Kim would be left in the room. The men escorted Melissa out the door and locked it behind them.

At the end of the hallway there was a hospital gurney. Melissa was helped on to it. The men strapped her arms and legs to the table and wheeled her through a door. Then she was brought into a room. A middle age woman was there and said she would take it from here. She had a stocking over her face and was heavyset. Melissa watched helplessly as the woman took out a square white cotton cloth and a brown bottle. She poured the liquid on the cloth and placed it over Melissa’s nose and mouth. Melissa could not move. Her arms and legs were held by straps. She inhaled deeply and totally surrendered to the chloroform, remembering what Kim had said.

The woman smiled as Melissa’s eyes began their unmistakable fluttering. She watched as Melissa’s beautiful head went limp and turned to the side. Her eyes were closed and her mouth was half open. The woman removed the cloth quickly. Then she undid the straps.

She carefully unzipped Melissa’s boots and slipped them off. Then she untied her halter top and pulled it off. Her hot pants came off next. Then finally her pantyhose and panties were removed. She re-attached the straps, placed Melissa’s clothing on the table, and wheeled her into the next room.

The room was a medical lab. Melissa was placed on an operating table and strapped down. Then an IV was installed in her arm attached to a Pentothal syringe. A black anesthesia mask was also placed next to her head. As Melissa showed signs of waking, a white coated man wearing a surgical mask injected half of the syringe into her IV. Her head instantly turned to the side once more as her eyes rolled closed.

They let her sleep for a few minutes and then started asking questions. The woman wrote every answer down on a pad. Her age, her family history, her health history, her recent sexual activity, everything they needed to know. When they had what they wanted, the black mask was strapped on Melissa’s face and the gas turned on. As she breathed normally the man injected the rest of the Pentothal into her IV. She went out swiftly and deeply, and her eyes closed and her head slumped sideways once more.

Melissa didn’t know it, but she was soon to be an egg donor. They gave her a full internal exam and ran several tests. They carefully evaluated her condition and cycle and left the room. Then the woman moved her back onto the gurney and took her back to the outer room. She was redressed carefully and left strapped to the gurney in the hallway. When she woke up about half an hour later, a man was waiting. He un-strapped her and helped her down off the gurney and walked her back to her room. He unlocked the door; let her in and left.

Kim was anxiously waiting to hear what had happened. Melissa said that they walked her to the end of the hall and helped her on a hospital gurney and strapped her down. Then they took her into a room where a woman was waiting. She put her to sleep with chloroform and the next thing Melissa knew she was back on the gurney in the hall and a man brought her back to the room. Melissa kept rubbing her arm. Kim noticed a needle mark and some blood.

Kim told her she had been given more than chloroform. Something had been injected. She had also been gone for about two hours. What could they have done to her Kim wondered? There were no other marks, and she didn’t hurt anywhere except where the needle mark was. Kim was worried. All her means to contact her people were in her purse. They seemed to be miles away and no one would be able to help her. They would soon take her and do whatever they had done to Melissa to her as well. What could it be?
Kim wouldn’t have long to wait. The men were at the door. It was already her turn!

As Kim climbed onto the gurney she was thinking quickly. She knew she would only be conscious for a minute or two now. Should she fake the chloroforming and lie awake and find out what’s going on? Then she remembered what the men said. What if they caught her? She could be killed! Besides, Melissa was injected. She couldn’t fake that anyway. No, this time she would let them put her to sleep. She needed to buy time and find out more before she tried any snooping.

The men wheeled her into the room strapped to the gurney. The woman with the stocking over her face said she would take over. When she wasn’t looking, Kim used her right foot to slightly lower the zipper on her left boot. It was difficult with the strap around her, but she got the zipper lowered about an inch. As she relaxed, the woman soaked the cotton pad with chloroform. She placed it over Kim’s mouth and nose and told her to breathe deeply. Kim complied and was under in about 20 seconds.

The woman watched her eyes carefully as they fluttered and rolled closed. Then she held the cloth there for a few seconds after Kim was out. Kim could never have faked it with this woman anyway! She was a trained nurse. She was wise to let her put her under. It would have only made her suspicious, and then they could always ask what she was up to when she was under the Pentothal! Kim was quickly stripped of her clothing.

After that the woman moved Kim to the operating room and easily moved her to the operating table. Kim was small, lightweight and limp as a rag doll from the chloroform. Then the IV was installed and the gas mask prepared. As soon as Kim started to stir, she was injected with the Pentothal. It knocked her out completely since she was so small. That happened sometimes. They let her sleep it off for a while and then began the questions. Lucky for Kim, they didn’t ask anything that would give her away! Then they placed the mask on her face and tightened the strap. They watched her eyes after the gas was turned on. As they fluttered rapidly and closed, the rest of the Pentothal was injected. She fell totally limp once more. The extra dose of Pentothal kept them out deeper and longer and insured that they would not remember the questioning. Most girls never realized that they were ever awake. Then Kim’s exam began. What luck! She was ovulating. Several eggs were taken and tagged.

Since the first shot knocked Kim out completely, she would have no memory of anything. The woman moved Kim’s very limp body to the outer room and dressed her. The woman hadn’t noticed Kim’s one boot was partly unzipped, and zipped them both all the way up. Then she retied the straps and placed a still very knocked out Kim in the hallway. It was over an hour before Kim woke up and she was really groggy. Whatever they gave her was way stronger than chloroform! She remembered the shot and gas Mindy had given her in the prison. No, it was stronger than that too. Like complete hospital anesthesia.

Kim was so wobbly that the man almost had to carry her back to her room. He brought her inside and placed her on her bed. Kim looked at a blurry ceiling for a few seconds. That’s the last thing she remembered. She passed out and slept for several hours.

When Kim woke up it was dark outside.

Melissa said “welcome back!” and smiled at her.

Kim sat up and smiled back at Melissa. Then she looked at her arm. There was a needle hole, just like Melissa’s. Then she looked at her left boot. It was zipped all the way. Her halter was tighter too. She knew she had been undressed for whatever happened. She got up and stripped fully naked. Then she asked Melissa to do the same. The girl’s looked at each other’s bodies everywhere and could find no evidence of surgery. What had they done? The girls both put just their panties back on and went to bed. Maybe they would learn more in the morning. As Kim lay in her bed she was still worried. She had no back up. She was in way over her head this time!
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Old 20-01-10, 00:29
CBiscuit CBiscuit is offline
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I haven't read the novels you mentioned. Before you borrow any of my girl characters, unless you have read all of my stories, you need some background first. Kim in this story, which is a 5 part one so far, is a carry over from the story Prison Guard, which also has several more parts to go. Allison, the prostitute in Prison Guard, is also featured in the story Runaway. Kim and Allison are the only characters I have created that cross over between different stories. The couple The Prowlers, that debut in The Perfect Couple, are also in Perfect Storm Parts 1 & 2 and Halloween which are Prowlers adventure stories of the same series.

One thing that you might want to check out is how the number of views diminishes with each part of most multiple part stories. One part stories seem to do best. Chloro Dorm had thousands of views. Part 2 had only a few hundred! The only exception was the Part 4 conclusion of Dangerous Prey which had the most views of the 4 parts. This had a surprise ending. Most people either don't come back for the sequels or lose interest if the story goes on too long.

The first story I posted here The Conditioner was sexually explicit and didn't do as well for some reason. I also posted explicit versions of the stories on other sites and they did not do well either. I never went in that direction again and no one has complained. Nuf said.

Last edited by CBiscuit; 20-01-10 at 00:42.
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Old 20-01-10, 12:56
larrydude larrydude is offline
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We sure have some good stories appearing here!
Life can be such a "rip-off!"
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Old 21-01-10, 00:20
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From what I can see, it would be best for the readers here if we just do what we do and "divide and conquer" as they say!

I too like the erotic and sometimes even consensual part, but a lot of readers are also into the rough and tumble kind of struggle and I have to keep them in mind too. This is in fact a bondage site and struggle is important to many people here.

I also discovered while writing my "Tales Of The Cloth" series on the "Slumberville" site that about 85 per cent of the male readers with a sleepy fetish also seem to have a foot, leg, shoe, or stocking fetish too. Overwhelming feedback from readers there is the reason for that element being covered in many of my stories. High heels and stockings are all over the updates section on this site too, so I have kept that up here as well.

Geez, I hope we aren't boring the readers with our writer to writer cross talk! Any reader that is following this please feel free to give us your inputs! We can serve you best when we know what you like!

Last edited by CBiscuit; 18-10-10 at 01:18.
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