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Old 02-05-13, 15:32
swrazor swrazor is offline
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Default Amethyst Episode 0ne part 1

Authors Note: I have decided to repost my Amethyst series in a more consolidated form for an easier following and for those new visitors that don't go beyond the first page.

Also: Bobbi powers created by Suiktwopointoh. Used with permission.

"Listen Bobbi, Always act, never react in any situation and in a fight always keep your hands up. That's good now try and hit me."

"Ohhfff ... Ouch that hurt sis."

"Ha, that's ok will keep trying until you get it."

"I want to be a hero, respected, like you are sis but?"

"Hey you'll make a great Marshal someday... someday... someday..."

Bobbi opened her eyes, her head was splitting in two. She tried to move but felt restrained, alarmed she looked around and found that she was handcuffed to a bed. Then she remembered her run in with Bendiss. She raised her head and realized then that she was naked. Frustrated with herself, she pulled agonizingly against her bonds but to no avail. She slowly realized the reality of her situation. She was in the middle of nowhere with no back up, how would anyone find her?

She began to think of her sister as she lay there alone. Suddenly her cell phone rang from across the room but she was helpless to reach it...


Dammit Bobbi pick up, where are you?" The woman said frustratingly flipping her phone closed. She had gotten word through one of her contacts from her days in the Marshal service that her sister Bobbi had not checked in in about 12 hours. This was so unlike her, she was very professional and by the book. The woman quickly refocused, she couldn't worry about that now, she was on a job.

She slowly crept up to the house, her target was Steven Chikovski. a well known international business man who had his hands in way too many things ranging from spying to human trafficking. She had strict orders, he was to be dealt with.

She did research on Mr. Chikovski and knew that he was a bachelor but had a 19 year old daughter that lived with him. She had to take care of her first. She had studied the layout of the home and knew the best way to get to her targets. Making a round around the house silently, she noticed a window carelessly left open. This particular window lead to a long, probably unguarded hallway. "This will make things alot easier." she thinks to herself. Making her way to the window she carefully climbs up to and then through it. Making her way cautiously through the halls toward the upper floors, she spots a guard coming down the stairs. It is dark in the house so she hugs the wall. As the guard approaches she springs into action with a foot sweep which knocks him down, followed by a lightning like strike to the throat. stalking like a cat, she moves to the 2nd floor.

Up on the second floor she spots the daughter going to the bathroom. The woman slowly moves inside the bathroom as the young woman sleepily checks herself in the mirror. Jumping, the girl suddenly sees someone behind her, she spins around. "What? Who the ffffuuuuhhh..." The teen's eyes slowly roll back into her head, as fine mist hits her lovely face. Drowsily moaning, her young body melts into the woman's arms

"That's it sweetie, just take a nice nap." The woman says, cradling the now slumbering 19 year old. She carries her out in the hall and sits her against the wall, where her head cutely slumps to the side. "Be right back honey." the woman says, petting the girl's head.

She makes her way to the master bedroom and slips into the unguarded room. Moving to the bed, she checks to make sure that it is indeed Chikovski in the bed. Then she prepares a syringe. Without a word the woman injects Chikovski in the neck. His eyes fly open and his body convulses but then goes still, his eyes fixed in an eternal stare. "That fate was too merciful for scum like you." she says in a low contempt filled voice. Then she leaves the room.

Caught off guard the woman is surprised to see a man checking the daughter. Seeing someone in the doorway, the man immediately engages. After a series of parrys and evasions , the woman catches one of the man's arms snapping it like a twig causing him to scream. It is a brief scream however because she follows it up with an upper strike that drives his nose bone into his brain, instantly silencing him. Without flinching, the woman turns to the sleeping young woman "Now, let's get you back to bed honey." She says, scooping up the girl. She gently tucks the young woman back into bed saying, "Your life will be better when you wake up sweetheart. You just don't know it yet."

Getting back in her custom mustang she pushes a button on her cell phone and utters a single phrase. "It is done."


Joe Breckman sits fretting in front of his fireplace, He knew he should have never let a rookie agent out of his sight. Now a promising young recruit is missing. A sudden voice startles him. "Hello Joe." He springs to his feet seeing a shape in the shadows.

"Jesus! How did you get in here?"

"Come on Joe do you really need to ask that question." The female voice replies, amused, if not slightly annoyed.

The figure steps out of the shadows. A towering female, 6'2 about 35 to 40 years of age with long coal black hair stands before him. Her lips are a ruby red. Her eyes hidden by dark sunglasses that have a dark purple tint when the light is right. She is wearing a black leather jacket, a V cut tank top that makes no attempt to hide her cleavage, A black studded leather belt that when coupled with the color coordinated boots and jeans, make her look like something out of a biker movie. She could have been mistaken for a slut, if he didn't know who he was looking at.

"Amethyst." he choked.

"Hi Joe and please call me by my name. Only non friends or targets call me Amethyst." she says slyly.

"Ok Katirina." he replies.

"Now with that out of the way maybe you can tell me what's happened to my sister." she says matter of factly. He looks as if what he is about to say next will be his last words spoken on earth.

"She was put on a task force to hunt Bendiss. There were many seasoned agents with her. But I guess she slipped away on her own."

"You guess?" she says, almost hiding the rage inside. "Let me get this straight, you just "let" a rookie agent go off by herself? That doesn't sound like you. What aren't you telling me joe?"

Breckman's expression changed to that of a scared kid. "Alright! She came to me wanting to prove herself. I said it wasn't necessary and told her no but she insisted. I thought she could handle it!" he shrilled, almost sensing the rage burning through the woman's sunglasses.

Amethyst, got up in his face. "You just couldn't resist her pretty smile could you." She says, her face hardening like cement.

"Please you know how I felt about her. I would never do anything to hurt her!" She rips the shades off in controlled rage, revealing large luminous pale blue eyes, that are nearly transparent.

"Your big head might not, but your little head just might have gotten her killed!" she growls through clinched teeth, as. she turns on her heel, leaving him to reflect on what was just said.

Amethyst got back in her mustang, slamming the door hard. "Dammit!" she cried. "I feel like this is my fault. You always felt the need to prove yourself to me Bobbi. Even though I told you over and over again how proud I was of you." Fighting back tears, she tries her little sisters cell once more. She didn't know why she was doing it, she already knew what the result would be.

This time the phone went straight to voice mail. Hi, this is Bobbi. Leave a message and I will get back to you after I catch the bad guys.

Hearing Bobbi's voice on the other end reminded Amethyst just how different they were. She would never have a greeting like that on her work phone. But that was what made Bobbi, Bobbi and she loved her for it. She caught herself smiling as she ended the call. Quickly she punched another number in. After a couple of rings a male voice answered.


"Robert, this is Kat. Bobbi's missing. I know you're busy honey but I need your help." Robert was Amethyst husband who was also a black ops agent. Though their job kept them apart for weeks, sometimes months, their devotion to each other was unmatched.

"Sure babe, what you need?" Robert replied, he could hear the anxious tone in her voice.

"I need you to try and find out all you can about Sylvester Bendiss. I have reason to believe he has her. I wanna know his contacts, his hangouts, his lovers, hell even the size of his shit!" Her anger was overtaking her and she knew it.

"Ok honey, just relax, I'll get right on it." he says calmly. trying to ease her anxiety.

"Thanks honey." she says, Somehow reassured by his words.

A few minutes later...

"Robert?" Amethyst say's, not even looking at the caller I.D.

"Hello buttercup, got somethin for ya." You need to see a woman that goes by the name of Sage. She is one of Bendiss's most trusted associates. Her job is to alert him to potential "acquisitions." and help transport them once they've been subdued. Real piece of work that one. If anyone knows where Bobbi is she will. She owns and operates a place called, Your Darkest Dreams. Catching title huh." he says, cracking a small laugh.

"Uh huh, you bet." she says slightly amused. "Hey do you have the places phone number?" she ask.

"Yeah, why?" he ask curiously.

"I have an idea. When I get there, I am going to call your phone and let it ring three times. When I do, hang up and wait ten minutes, then call the place, acting like you have the wrong number."

"Will do. Whatever you're doing, be careful sweetheart. Love you." he says supportively.

"Love you to, stay safe." she replied

Amethyst walks into the establishment. Inside it is a little dark, black tables and chairs line the floor of this fairly expansive area. The whole inside has a red tint to it, like someone turned on a thousand red lava lamps. The bar area itself isn't any brighter, there is no doubt this place promotes privacy. The bar top is a beautiful but gloomy looking black Formica with gray intertwined There are red upholstered stools up and down the length of the bar. A bleach blond woman with a healthy bust is wiping the bar down. She looks about Bobbi's age and is wearing dominatrix type attire.

Amethyst is glad to see it is just her and the woman. Looks like waiting till just before closing time paid off. Amethyst thinks to herself. Before sitting down she stealthily hits the button to call Robert. Then she adjust her jacket and tank top, as she sits down. "Could a lonely jilted woman get a drink in here." she says, in her best depressed voice.

"We're getting ready to close so..." the blonde says looking up, but then falters, Seeing such a fine specimen of a female in front of her, she reconsiders. "Well I guess just one won't hurt." she replies smiling.

On a hunch Amethyst pulls on her tank top, briefly exposing her cleavage even more. Then she says, "I don't suppose I could get the bartender to join me? I'm a girl who doesn't like to drink alone. She purrs in a sultry voice. The blonde looks at her, smiling broadly.

"I suppose we could bend the rules a little, after all I own the place." she answers with a flirtatious grin. "I'm sage. What can I get ya." she asked.

"How bout I let you pick you look like a smart girl. Amethyst says with a smile. The girl gets a twinkle in her eye, saying

"Ok be right back."

Moments later Sage returns with two drinks and sits them down. Luckily about that time the phone rings. "Excuse me." sage says, strutting her way to the back, clearly flaunting her assets. As soon as Sage is out of view, Amethyst pours a small vile of liquid into Sage's glass. Soon the girl returns,

"Sorry about that, wrong number." she says.

The two of them chat for a few minutes until Sage says, "You must be a biker chick."

"No not really", Amethyst says, acting very coy. Just then the bar owner appears to lose her balance.

"Whoa got dizzy all of a sudden." sage says clearly blind sided. Just seconds later she nearly falls down and has to brace herself. "Whaa waass wrrrong with meeee" Her shoulders are sagging and she can't seem to hold her head up anymore. She is slouching over the bar, her head is slumped down, allowing her long platinum locks to sweep the bar top like little brushes.

"Maybe it was something you drank sweetheart." Amethyst says, making her way behind the bar. "How does it feel to be drugged yourself? Hmmm." she says whispering lightly in the girls ear.

The woozy girl doesn't even catch what was said. "Hmmmnnnnuuuuhhhh..." she can only moan softly, as Amethyst begins to caress her entire body and move locks of hair away from her face. Slowly Amethyst turns the drowsy girl's face towards hers. Sage looks at her groggily, her pretty eyes retreating back into her head, as her body wilts. The woman is most definitely in la la land now.

"My little concoction has made you sleepy hasn't it?" Sage's eyes are rolling continuously, as Amethyst continues in her sultry tone. "You really wanna sleep, don't you honey." she says, as the girl's head and body try to fall away and pass out.

"Oh oh oh not just yet sweetie. Where did Sylvester take the pretty Marshal?"

"Mmmarrrrshhhallll..." Poor sage can barely talk, she is completely out of it.

"Yes her name is Bobbi, Where is she? Tell me and I'll let you sleep." Amethyst says, supporting the girl's head by her chin.

Sage struggles to stay awake enough to speak but then finally says, "Thrrrreee o Twooo Wiiiillliaaams sssstrrrreeeet... Thhrrreee ssstorrry hhh-housssse mmmmm...."

"Good girl you can sleep now. Just one more thing. When you wake up you won't remember who you are or where you're from." With that, Amethyst lets the woman's head fall on her shoulder, with in seconds she's out cold.

Amethyst makes her way back to Joe Breakman's living room, carrying an unconscious Sage. "Here is one for the advanced recruitment program." she growl's, laying the girl gently on the sofa. She then walks over to Joe and takes off her sunglasses again. "I know where Bobbi is and I am going to put a team together and get her back. You had better pray to your god that she is unharmed."

A few hours later, Amethyst pulled up to the bar. She had spotted the silver Ford Bronco outside of it and knew that the two people she was looking for were inside. She parked her car and calmly walked in. It was another dimly lit bar similar to the one she had been in earlier, during her visit with Miss Sage but minus the 70's pimp house look.

This particular bar was definitely a heartland of america, working class type bar with wall lights made up of various beer company trademarks. Everything from Budwieser to Paps Blue Ribbon was represented. The atmosphere smelled of alcohol and though it wasn't near full, the TV blaring a game between the New York met's and Boston Red Sox made the bar a little noisy.

A commotion at the other end of the bar had garnered Amethyst's attention almost immediately. A huge brute was staring down this petite young woman who had long straight platinum locks, beautiful sea colored eyes and ruby lips. She was dressed in blue jeans, cowboy boots complete with spurs, a white blouse and a white cowboy hat. "This here is my seat." said the Neanderthal of a man. "No one was sittin here so I took it." he proclaimed. He was staring the girl down but Amethyst did nothing. She just walked to the bar, took her sunglasses off and kept a watchful eye on what was happening.

After a moment the blonde spoke, "We'll I do declare, can't a girl get up to use the bathroom." She said in an almost flirtatious tone. "Besides isn't it customary for a gentleman to give up his seat to a lady." she says, batting her eyes at him.

"Look winch, I never claimed to be a gentleman and pop always told me to keep women in their places." He says, grabbing the woman and shoving her into the bar. Her body knocking over two empty stools in the process.

The young woman looks shocked as she winces in pain. Suddenly the hulk of a man lets out an ear piercing scream. I hand has come up and vise gripped his most prized appendage. "Don't make me castrate you, like you were one of my pa's steer." A voice said from behind him. Peeking around his shoulder at him was a mirror image of the girl he had just tossed into the bar.

"Bout time you got here sis. Geeze what were you doin', given birth in that there stall?" The fallen blonde asks. Her expression has completely changed to one of confident's. She picks herself up off the floor and grabs the paralyzed mans face. "You wunt this chair huny." She says, slamming his face into the table. "Then yoo can have it." She finishes by throwing his body into the disputed chair.

"Sorry, I just thought you might enjoy playing the innocent one this time sug." the slightly taller blond says.

"I see you two still haven't learned to play nice with boys." A voice says from over at the bar. The two of them look over.

"Well I'll be, if it isn't Miss Kat." One of them says, as they walk towards the bar.

"What brings you to these parts huny?" The other girl's ask. Amethyst stands and receives a hug from each of them.

"Hello Cindi, Sadi. I wish it were under cheerier circumstances. Bobbi's been kidnapped and I need your help."


Silvester sat nervously in the lobby waiting area. He had only been able to find a few girls this week for the business. But one of these was a gorgeous federal marshal so he hoped it would be enough to defuse his partners ire. But what if that draws to much heat? he thought. Bendiss's stomach was in knots, he was ready to wet himself.

Then a door opened and a young woman stepped out. "Mr Bendiss, E will see you now."

"Thanks." he said, walking into the room nervously.

Bendiss walked into a huge office ornate with expensive looking art work and exquisite looking rugs. Despite the many times he had been here, it always awed him. There was a huge cherry wood desk and large back chair straight across from the entrance. The whole scene looked like something from an Italian mobster movie and quite honestly it felt like it to.

He approached the desk and waited for the voice to speak. "My eyes and ears tell me your crop is a little thin Bendiss."

"Yes well the heats been pretty intense boss, the feds have been watching and I've had to lay low. Even had a pretty marshal come uh callin' That's where the good news is. I was able to capture her." Bendiss says, with nervous enthusiasm.

"Really tell me more." E replied.

"Well I fixed her one of my "exotic" coffees and it sent her right to sleep." He laughed, amused by his own words. "Was really surprised at how naieve she seemed, easy pickin's really. But boy could she stop a man's heart, absolute fox I tell ya. I bet she--" He was suddenly stifled.

"I am not interested in her. I am however interested in what could come for her. That would fetch an enormous price to certain people."

"But boss, you knew?" Bendiss said, his voice quivering.

"Yes Bendiss, I knew. Now. The other subjects you've acquired, I want you to dress them as guards and post them where you're holding the marshal. " As E says this, a picture is shoved across the table for Bendiss to see. It is of an Amazonian looking woman, with black hair and unique purple tented shades.

"Whew. Man who is that?"

"That Bendiss, is what's coming for your marshal."

"Great." Bendiss sneers, "Why don't I just capture her to. It shouldn't be too hard."

"Because she would kill you! You little egotistical mouse! You just got lucky with the Marshal. This one has to be dealt with delicately." The intensity in E's voice tells sly he need not argue.

"But why the fake guards?" asked Bendiss.

"Because I want her to rescue the Marshal and because she will not kill women. She prefers to subdue them if at all possible and that's my kind of entertainment. This one is the bigger target." E says pointing at the photo. "Besides if my plan works, there is a good chance the Marshal will fall right back into are laps. "Now get the girls in place. Oh and Bendiss, Make sure our "guards" understand that if they refuse, we know where each of their families live. Are we clear?"

"Yes boss." Bendiss says obediently.


"This is the place." Amethyst says.

Sadie looks it over. "Two small floors that appear to be lightly guarded. Why this should be easier than winning the Miss Magnolia pageant last year." She chimes.

"Still. Be careful, we don't no what to expect. I didn't have time to research so we're walking in blind." Amethyst warns.

Cindi looks at her friend and says, "Kat honey, if you keep worrin' like that you're gonna have more warts than a toad frog." With that, they all exit the vehicle and move toward the house.

"One guard on the outside it looks like." Cindi says.

"Shall we try the direct approach?" ask Sadi, looking at the others.

"Worth a shot." Cindi replies.

Amethyst nods in agreement. "Remember it's a woman, so only subdue her." "Right. switching to alternative ammo." Cindi says. The woman standing guard looks young, maybe 26. she has on camouflage pants with a matching jacket. She has long dark red hair. Her chest is quite "developed."

All three women continue their trek toward the house and calmly walk up to the woman at the door. Sadi speaks first. "Excuse me darlin' we're looking for a Mr. Bendiss, does he live here?"

"Sorry can't help you." The woman replies blandly.

"Sorry sug must have the wrong address." Sadi turns to walk away, then stops. "Oh just one more thing." Sadi says, suddenly planting a lip lock on the stunned young woman. Her eyes go wide with shock then gradually, they turn glazed and slowly retreat up into her head. With a sleepy moan, the girl's body melts into Sadi's.

There is brief moment of lingering consciousness, as Sadi disengages the kiss, she gingerly lifts the drowsy girl off of her, admiring her for a bit. The girl looks totally drugged up, her eyes are completely rolled back and she is groaning helplessly. Her head is lolling around as if it were a rag doll's. Feeling a surge of attraction Sadi rubs herself up against the girl saying, "You look like a tired little lady, lets just take a little nap, shall we." She says, going to the ground with her.

When the girl passes out Sadi feels around in the girl's pockets, and other area's including her cleavage. She finds a key and takes the woman's pistol that has fallen to the ground. Next, she tries the front door and it opens. They proceed inside cautiously and see stairs and a hallway to their left. "You two take the upstairs, I'll clean up down here." Amethyst says quietly.

Sadi and Cindi head upstairs as Amethyst hugs the wall and peeks around down the hall, where she see's another female guard patrolling. "What the hell? Another female?" Amethyst instincts tell her something isn't right but she chooses to ignore them. This one is dressed similar to the one outside except she has a halter top and a camo cap. Her hair is chocolate brown tied in a long ponytail.

Amethyst waits until the young woman's back is turned and then makes her move. "Hey." she say's causing the girl to whirl around. She then kicks the weapon out of the sentry's hand and grabs her, pinning her against the wall. The girl grunts, looking scared to death. "Nighty night sweetheart." Amethyst says, slamming the girl's head hard against the wall. The woman sighs softly, her eyes fluttering and rolling as her body slides down the wall into a sitting position, her head slumping against her bosom. Amethyst then checks each room in the hall and finds nothing.

Proceeding toward the kitchen Amethyst sees another sentry. This one is dressed identical to the one in the hall, her hair is blonde and is cropped on the sides at about the middle of her cheeks. She is fixing a sandwich, this again strikes Amethyst as odd. Thinking quickly, she stays out of sight and makes a groaning sound. "Uuuuuhhh..." Her ploy works.

"Jen, is everything ok?... Jen?"

Amethyst can hear the girl approaching. When she is close enough, she comes visible and punches the sentry square in the jaw, spinning her 180 degrees. The young woman collapses to the floor in a heap. "She's fine." Amethyst says, "She is sleeping, just like you."

"Upstairs, Cindi and Sadi only see two guards a little ways down the hall with a lone door at the end. "These two look like a couple of G.I Jane's." Sadi quips

"You take one I'll take the other?" Cindi ask, whispering.

"Sounds good." Sadi replied.

Cindi moves toward the nearest one who's back is turned. In one smooth motion she clamps a sleeper on the unsuspecting guard. The girl grunts and tries to squirm. "Go to sleep sug'ah." At the same time Sadi draws her modified six shot revolver and pulls the trigger.

Instead of a bullet a small dart is released, striking the other one in the neck. Her shapely body folds like a tent. Meanwhile, Cindi still has her's in a hold. "Shhh. It'll be so much better if you don't fight honey, she says, stroking the girl's foreheadm\ as she takes her to the ground. Seconds later she is out. They check each for weapons or keys, then head for the door at the end of the hall. By this time Amethyst has caught up.

Amethyst listens at the door. "I hear moaning and footsteps." she says.

"You two stand along the side wall. I got this." Cindi says. She tries the door, it opens. She gives a quick whistle and waits. Moments later a raven haired beauty strolls out.

"What the-- Uuuh..." The butt of Cindi's colt 45 hits her in the back of head and she goes down like a ton of bricks.

"Nice ta meet ya sug'ah." Cindi says, smiling. She heads in and scopes the small bedroom. "Bobbi's here, she looks pretty drugged up though." Cindi exclaims. Upon hearing this Amethyst rushes in.

Bobbi is lying on the bed her eyelids are drooped severely. "Bobbi, honey it's me. it's sis. We're gonna get you outta here."

"Uuuuhhh... wwhhasss goiiing on?... Kaaaaat?..." The drugged marshal tries to look at her sister but her eyes just roll back on her.

"Come on Bobbi, put your arm around my neck if you can. We need to get out of here." Bobbi groggily complies. Then Amethyst lifts her into a cradle carry and they all four make it back safely to Bobbi's house.

At the house Bobbi, is still pretty loopy. "Is she going to be ok?" Sadi ask.

"She'll be fine, it's just gonna take a little time. Thanks for all your help." Amethyst says.

"Anytime. You and Bobbi are like sisters to us." Cindi says.

"I'd give you a ride to the airport but I do not want to leave Bobbi. The least I can do though is get a black and white to give you a lift." says Amethyst.

Minutes later, the patrol car arrives and they say their goodbyes. Then Amethyst shuts the door and returns to Bobbi.


Cindi and Sadi are driving to the airport when Sadi says, "I really need to pee. Can we stop somewhere?"

"Sure." the officer says. "There is a restroom right over there."

"Thanks, be right back sis." Sadi says.

She makes her way to the area where the officer pointed, only to find that there is no such restroom. "What the--" She is interrupted by a cloth being thrust over her face. "Mmmmppphhh!!!! She struggles wildly against the arms that have a hold of her. She knows her sister can not hear her screams, she is on her own. The sickening sweet fumes are making the young woman lightheaded and dizzy

She struggles valiantly for some time but eventually starts getting tired and sleepy, her thought process is clouding. She needs sleep, nothing else. Her beautiful blue eyes lazily sink back into her head and her body movements slow. Sadi's eyelids close once, twice, Then nothing...

Back at the squad car, Cindi begins to hear hissing in the back seat. There is a partition separating the front from the back. "Hey do you hear that?" Cindi ask. The driver does not answer. "Hey!" she repeats. At that moment, a strange dizziness comes over. "Hey... something's wrong... back here..."

The cop finally responds. "Just calm down honey, everything is going to be fine." Cindi is perplexed, she is starting to become very drowsy and is beginning to figure out that everything is not fine. She starts kicking at the partition. "Jesus!" he yelps. Panicking, he puts on a small nearby gas mask.

After multiple attempts, Cindi finally gains access to the drivers seat but her head is swimming. She clasp him in a choke hold, he gurgles and grasp her forearms. She holds on with everything she has and fights her drowsiness. After a while though, her head and eyes start getting very heavy. "Yoooou le meeee ouuutof hherrre..." she slurs. The cop can feel her grip loosening. Cindi is growing so tired, she catches her eyes trying to close on her and has to fight them.

By now the girl's arms have gone limp, now longer applying pressure. She is barely awake now, but still manages some very slurred words. "Ww-wherrre'smmmyyy... sssiiiisssterrr..."

"It's all right." the cop says, "Just go to sleep, she'll be joining you soon." With that he feels the girl's head flop down on his shoulder. Her long locks bush his cheek. She is out.


Suddenly, there is a knock at Bobbi's door. "I'll be right back sweetheart." Amethyst says, getting up to answer the door. She opens it to see a kid frantic.

"Are you Bobbi?!!!, Are you Bobbi?!!!" Amethyst is caught off guard by the sight.

"No why? what's wrong?" she ask."

"My brother said a police woman lives here. He fell down and can't breathe, says his chest hurts. You have to help him!" he cries.

"Ok take me to him." Amethyst replies.

As the kid pulls her from the step on to the sidewalk, she feels someone brush up against her from behind. A nanosecond later she feels a sharp quick pain in the side of her neck. "Hey... what the fffuuu..." Amethyst suddenly feels like three fourths of her strength is gone and she feels her grip on the child's hand waning.

At that moment strong arms wrap around her waist but she manages to throw an elbow to separate herself. Amethyst whirls around to strike but is rocked by a wave of extreme tiredness. She feels her head bobble but knows she must protect the kid at all cost. She can see the fuzzy figure of a man in front of her. The willfull agent summons all her will and strength to deliver a devastating blow, knocking her attacker out cold. But then she herself collapses to one knee and has to brace herself with the sidewalk She can hear the kids echoing voice repeatedly asking what's wrong and pleading with her to get up. She manages to stumble to her feet and slur out, "rrrruuuun kiiiiid..." before nearly passing out.

The kid looks scared at first but then something strange happens, he develops a smile and begins to laugh. Only the laugh is deeper, more adult like. "Hello cutie. you look a little sleepy there hon." The boy says, cupping Amethyst sagging chin. He just watches, as those celestial blue eyes attempt to roll back into sleep. "You look about ready to konk out there doll. Before you do though, you should know, I used your sister to draw you to me and now I have you pretty girl"

"Yoooou shhhtaaay awaaay ffrrrommm my sssisssteer uuuuhhhh..." she garbles.

Amethyst is somehow still awake and tries to lunge at the hazy figure but only manages to fall limp against the short "boy" "Look at you, defiant to the very last. That injection you were given is stronger than even you. You may hold on for a while but you'll go out eventually, I promise you." Amethyst can only moan as her limp arms are played with.

"You are mine now sweetheart. So let me introduce myself. They call me, Enigma." He says, as he caress's her tenderly and watches her eyes stubbornly fight to stay open.

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larrydude is a splendid one to beholdlarrydude is a splendid one to beholdlarrydude is a splendid one to beholdlarrydude is a splendid one to beholdlarrydude is a splendid one to beholdlarrydude is a splendid one to beholdlarrydude is a splendid one to behold

Life can be such a "rip-off!"
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Old 03-05-13, 11:53
CBiscuit CBiscuit is offline
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CBiscuit is just really niceCBiscuit is just really niceCBiscuit is just really niceCBiscuit is just really nice

I loved Sage's drugged drink seduction/ questioning!
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Old 03-05-13, 18:42
swrazor swrazor is offline
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swrazor has a spectacular aura aboutswrazor has a spectacular aura about

me too CB
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Old 04-05-13, 08:28
Annabelle Annabelle is offline
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Annabelle has much to be proud ofAnnabelle has much to be proud ofAnnabelle has much to be proud ofAnnabelle has much to be proud ofAnnabelle has much to be proud ofAnnabelle has much to be proud ofAnnabelle has much to be proud ofAnnabelle has much to be proud ofAnnabelle has much to be proud of

GReat story.
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Old 04-05-13, 12:56
swrazor swrazor is offline
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swrazor has a spectacular aura aboutswrazor has a spectacular aura about

thanks annabelle More to come
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