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Old 08-06-13, 18:00
CBiscuit CBiscuit is offline
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Default Woman Hunter


Mika was sitting on a park bench enjoying the beautiful day. It was still slightly cool, since summer was still several weeks off. She glanced off into the woods at the edge of the park. She had wandered in there from time to time, and found that the wooded area was much larger than she thought. It went on for several miles.

Mika was a middle aged blonde that still looked hot. She was wearing a red blouse, and a relatively short blue skirt. Her pantyhose were suntan in shade, and she wore boots with furry tops that came to below her knees. Underneath she was even more interesting. Mika had a weakness for sexy underwear. Today she wore a bra and panties set that were tiny, black, and very sheer.

Charles entered the woods from the other side, and went in the direction of the park. When he was deep inside, he stopped and made preparations. He pitched his small tent first. Then he inflated 2 air mattresses and put them inside. Finally he tossed in 2 blankets and several small pillows.

Charles was also middle aged. He was over 6 feet tall and had blue eyes. His hair was blonde once, but was mostly grey now. He was dressed in expensive sporting clothes suitable for hunting. There were no animals in these woods though. That didn’t matter. Charles was here to hunt a woman!

Charles had been watching his prey for some time. She came to the park every week on this day. She was blonde, hot, and most important had nice legs. Even better she always wore boots. Charles always fantasized about knocking out a woman so he could slip off her boots and play with her stocking feet. This woman was just what he wanted.

He prepared his tranquillizer gun. To be safe, as well as to increase the sport, he had reduced the dose in the darts. He didn’t want to risk hurting her, and he didn’t want to knock her out instantly either. This way one dart would just make her helpless. Two would make her relaxed and dreamy. The third dart would finally knock her out completely and keep her out for several hours. That would be more than enough time to carry her to the tent, and remove those boots! Then later on, he would remove everything else she had on as well and explore and worship her limp body! But that was all foreplay. The real sport was to let her escape later, and hunt her in the woods.

Once the gun was ready and fully loaded, Charles walked slowly towards the park. When he started to get close to the edge, he took out his binoculars. She was there, just as he had hoped. Not only was she wearing boots, but she had on nice dark stockings! Better yet, nobody was anywhere around.

He wasted no time. He got as close as he dared, and fired a dart at her left shoulder. Charles was an excellent shot. He hit her dead on. She was his now, so he walked towards her without fear. Once she had a dart in her, the damage was done as they say. There could be no escape or major struggle now.

Mika was suddenly alerted by a sting in her left shoulder. She looked there and saw the dart. When she tried to reach it and pull it out, her arms felt heavy and numb. She also suddenly felt light headed. “Oh no; this must be a tranquillizer dart!” She thought to herself in fear. Then she looked up and saw a tall, well dressed man approaching her holding a gun.

Before she could get up, he fired another dart and hit her near her left breast. Standing would not be an option now. Instead of even trying to stand, she suddenly lost all her fear and relaxed completely. Her legs were as limp as noodles. Her vision was getting blurry. He was up close and touching her hair now, and she didn’t seem to care about that either. He looked strong and handsome. He also seemed gentle.

Charles couldn’t believe how easy this abduction was going to be! It was almost like she wanted to be taken, and was enjoying the sedation from the darts. He would test that theory before knocking her out completely with a third dart.

Mika sat helpless as the man put his dart gun in his pocket. He was kneeling before her now and lifted one of her legs. He slipped off her right boot and put it down. Then he massaged her stocking foot. The action made Mika feel a tingle inside. She sat totally relaxed and happy as he slipped her other boot off as well. Now he was massaging both of her stocking feet.

Charles had carefully watched Mika’s eyes as he removed her boots. Instead of seeing fear and dread, he only saw a relaxed and almost happy smile! Either this one liked what he was doing, or she was extremely vulnerable to the drug. Charles preferred to think that perhaps it was a bit of both. Oh well it was time now. He stood up and took the gun out of his pocket.

Mika felt the cool air on her stocking feet as he released them from his warm hands. The she saw him pull out the gun again. She knew she would not be conscious for long once the next dart hit her. It didn’t matter now. There was nothing she could do anyway. She was already his, and would just have to make the best of it.

Charles fired the third dart near her right breast. Within five seconds her eyes rolled up and gently closed, and her beautiful blonde head fell limp against the back of the bench. Charles pulled out all three darts and put them in his pocket along with the gun. The he quickly slipped her boots back on her feet, and lifted her up. He carried her limp body over his shoulder and quickly disappeared into the woods.

As Charles carried Mika deep into the woods to his tent, the powerful sedative was causing her to have vivid and pleasant dreams. She remembered when she was a teen and had watched women in the movies be rendered unconscious and carried off. She always secretly wished that she was the woman in the scene.

Even when she was in school, her mind would wander and she would imagine herself being carried off limp by a strong man. Her fantasy never left her as she became an adult, and now in middle age she craved the attention even more. Recently she was with a friend of hers, when the husband came home from work. The friend’s husband carefully removed his wife’s boots for her and rubbed her stocking feet! “Oh my god, if someone would only do that for me!” she thought to herself.

Charles’s removing her boots and doing exactly the same thing to her, just before she was rendered unconscious, had triggered her dream. In her dream she was also being carried. “Or was it a dream at all?” Mika wondered, as she slept deeply from the powerful tranquillizer.

Once his tent was in sight, Charles eased Mika off his shoulder, and switched to a cradle carry. He wanted to bring her into his lair, as if he were carrying a new bride over the threshold. He was, in fact, a hopeless romantic at heart. Charles loved women and treated them very well. He just could never find one that was into his particular fantasies.

Charles carefully carried Mika into the tent and placed her on one of the air mattresses. As he lowered her he sniffed her silky blonde hair. Her essence was delightful. He ran his fingers gently through her hair and inhaled it more. He was hooked now! He had to have her soon.

Charles shifted his attention to his target of choice. He lifted her legs up and let go of them. They fell hard. She was totally limp. Then he carefully slipped her boots off one at a time. Her legs were lighter now and he lifted them higher. That caused her short skirt to hike up and he noticed her underwear.

Even through the suntan pantyhose, Charles could tell she was wearing very skimpy and sexy black panties. He pulled her skirt all the way up and pulled down the waistband of her pantyhose. The panties underneath were frilly and sheer too. These were something a twenty year old would wear! Next he quickly unbuttoned her blouse. The material was soft and sheer and the buttons flew open easily.

The bra that matched the panties left him breathless. It barely covered her breasts, and had tiny straps. It was so sheer that he could clearly see her small nipples. Now Charles’ mission became clear. He had always wanted to hunt a woman in a string bikini and high heels. He didn’t have a bikini or high heeled shoes though, so this bra and panties set, along with her boots, would do nicely. Besides, high heels would be no good in these woods anyway.

Charles had to move quickly. The hunt would have to be during the warmest part of the day, or she would be too cold in her underwear. He swiftly removed her skirt, blouse, and pantyhose and put them in his back pack. Then he folded both the blankets and put them in as well. The gun and all the darts went in last. He would leave her boots there for her to put on herself. Once he was packed, Charles still had some time. She would still be out for at least another hour.

He lifted Mika’s limp body up into a sitting position. He stroked her hair and then he kissed her on her slightly open mouth. She tasted sweet! As he kissed her, he reached behind her back with his right arm. He grabbed the tiny bra strap and by luck he was right on the clasp! He smiled to himself. In his younger days, Charles had been an expert and unhooking girl’s bras while they were distracted by a deep kiss.

Charles gently grabbed the strap at the clasp and squeezed. Both of the tiny hooks came apart at the same time and the bra was completely undone in a heartbeat. He hadn’t lost his touch at all. Next he carefully slid the straps off both of her shoulders and watched the bra fall. He removed it from her wrists and tossed it aside.

Despite her age, Mika still looked great topless, especially in the dim, romantic light of the tent. Charles took each of her breasts in his mouth one at a time and tasted her nipples. They became erect instantly. Once again he smiled. If that kind of instant arousal had occurred while she was unconscious, he could only imagine how easily excitable she would be while awake.

Charles finally put her back down on her back and slipped off her tiny panties. They were so small when off, that he could conceal them in one of his hands. He tossed them aside with the bra and began to worship the rest of Mika’s limp body. He moved her all around and tasted and sampled her everywhere. She was perfect to him in every way!

Charles played with her as long as he dared, and quickly put her bra and panties back on her. Then he put on his back pack, and left her sleeping peacefully as he disappeared into the woods.

About half an hour later, Mika’s lips began to move. It was like she woke up from a sweet dream and was in the middle of a romantic kiss. Then her eyes opened slowly. As her senses slowly returned she jumped in surprise. She was in a tent on a mattress in just her bra and panties. Her boots were there, but all her other clothing was missing. She looked around for something to wrap around her nearly naked body. There was nothing!

Mika quickly slipped her boots on and looked around outside the tent. He legs were still a little unsteady from the three darts. There was no sign of anyone. She quickly made her way through the dense woods hoping she could soon reach the park and get help. As she ran, she remembered him. He was tall and handsome. He was well dressed too. Not the kind of man she would have expected to do this to her.

Then she remembered how he took off her boots and massaged her stocking feet. She was heavily sedated at the time, but she could still remember being aroused. After that everything was a blank. As Mika made her way to escape, her mind was in a confused state. She should be running away in fear, and glad she was still alive and hadn’t been raped.

But that wasn’t what she felt at all. She wondered where he was and why he had left her alone. Part of this scenario was like a dream that she had all her life, finally coming true.

Charles had her in sight. She was breathtaking in her underwear and boots walking swiftly through the woods. From the distance, she resembled the 25 year old model he had seen in the movie, running from the hunter, in just a string bikini. His dream was about to come true for certain!

Charles pulled out his dart gun and moved in closer. At first opportunity, he fired a dart. It struck Mika in her upper right thigh. That was just what Charles wanted. It would take longer for the drug to work, since it had injected her that low on her body.

Mika felt the sting right away. Then she turned and saw the dart sticking out of her leg. Suddenly she realized what was happening. He was hunting her! She quickly pulled the dart out and tossed it on the ground. Then she picked up her pace and began to run. If she could just make it to the park before she fell!

These were both foolish ideas. The dart injected the last of the dose when it was pulled out. She would have been better off leaving it in. The running was a mistake too. It made the drug circulate through her blood faster.

Charles watched her begin to slow down. He could have easily shot her again, but he wanted to prolong the hunt. Soon her run turned to the fast walk from before. Then the walk slowed down too. Finally she could no longer stand, and fell to the ground on a pile of dry leaves.

Mika could no longer stand or escape. She would try to bury herself in the leaves. If she could remain out of sight until the drug wore off, she could still make her escape. The plan would have worked too, if he hadn’t been watching her do it.

Mika suddenly felt a sting in her chest. Her body relaxed all by itself almost instantly. She had no control at all. She was on her back on top of the leaves and totally helpless. He was there now, standing over her in triumph. She waited for him to fire the next dart. Instead he knelt beside her. He spoke softly,

“I’m sorry about the darts, but I just had to have you.” He said, almost panting from excitement.

“Why didn’t you just introduce yourself and ask me out?” Mika replied in a sleepy and sultry voice.

“I’ve had this strange abduction fantasy all my life.” He replied. “I finally just had to act on it.”

“I understand!” Mika replied. “I too have imagined being knocked out and taken away like this all my life.”

Charles was instantly aroused. He wanted to have her right where she was. As he moved in on her, Mika spoke in a whisper,

“Please, not here.” She said. “Carry me back to the tent first.”

As he began to lift her she spoke softly again,

“Please knock me out for the carry.” She begged. “I want to be nice and limp as you take me away.”

Charles was really excited now! “Had he finally found his true soul mate at last?” He took out the gun and fired another dart at her chest.

Mika smiled in total delight, as if Cupid’s arrow had just struck her, before she quickly passed out. Then he fired another dart. Mika was already out and didn’t feel that one.

Charles waited a few minutes for the drug to take a firm hold before he picked her up. After all, she did say she wanted to be nice and limp for this carry! Charles always gave women exactly what they wanted. And as he picked her up, my how ever so limp she was!

Last edited by CBiscuit; 27-08-13 at 01:55.
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Old 09-06-13, 06:39
BC999 BC999 is offline
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Another great story, CBiscuit. The hunting theme is always ready for a new twist. Love the description of Mika in the "care" of Charles.

Very nice. Thank you.
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Old 09-06-13, 10:42
larrydude larrydude is offline
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Nice story, Cool ending!
Life can be such a "rip-off!"
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Old 11-06-13, 14:20
althemad althemad is offline
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CBiscuit is a must to read!
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Old 12-06-13, 09:55
SVerberghe SVerberghe is offline
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I love your stories CBiscuit. I've read them like a thousand times over the past few years. Your stories are the main reason this forum is my favorite place on the internet.

My most favorite stories are the Chloro dorm one, and the one about the being kept up in the massage parlour. Sometimes I find myself thinking about these stories just randomly during a day.

And also the hunting theme is awesome!
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Old 12-06-13, 11:32
CBiscuit CBiscuit is offline
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Thanks! That's high praise, especially coming from another writer.

Summer is just over a week away. We both seem to be on the same page with the appropriate outdoors theme. I did the hunt in the woods, and you did the tennis court.

By the way, in my opinion, a Tennis outfit can be sexy. Lots of leg showing, and sometimes lots of bounce and jiggle too. Then there's that tired girl, after a few long sets, that needs a nice nap from a dart or a chloroform soaked sweat towel...
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Old 12-06-13, 11:39
larrydude larrydude is offline
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I am not asking for anything violent as i do not like that type of thing. But some nice cutting and ripping of the girls clothes as she slept or in a daze and not able to resist, Would be amazing. She could be given other clothes to wear home at stories end.
Also, More stories involving a wooded area or forest, Those are good too!
Life can be such a "rip-off!"
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Old 12-06-13, 16:00
CBiscuit CBiscuit is offline
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Yes, summer is just about to begin. Outdoors will be the theme of choice. Always room for some ripping too...
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Old 13-06-13, 01:03
larrydude larrydude is offline
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Originally Posted by CBiscuit View Post
Yes, summer is just about to begin. Outdoors will be the theme of choice. Always room for some ripping too...
Life can be such a "rip-off!"
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Old 20-06-13, 17:42
swrazor swrazor is offline
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Excellent story cb. Wished there was just a little more grogginess and eyerolling but i'm picky. Great work.
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