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Old 30-06-13, 10:54
balor balor is offline
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Default The Interview (Part 1-3)

The Interview

Looking at herself in the elevator’s mirror, Lucia straightened her long straight black hair and adjusted her short but crisp pencil skirt. As the elevator reached the 32nd floor, she gave herself one last pep talk. Her rent was already overdue, her student loans were piling up, and so she really needed this job. She was a damn good dental hygienist, and any dentist should be proud to have her, right? So what if Dr. Grimhardy advertised his practice as a Sedation Dentistry clinic? She’d learned about this in dental school, learned that it served a legitimate need for patients with intense dental phobia, and she didn’t mind trying to be extra gentle with those that were afraid the most.

As it was 7pm, right after the clinic closed, the door was locked, but remembering the phone instructions, Lucia knocked loudly. She heard a muffled, “coming” and then a few moments later the door swung open. As she stepped in, she inhaled the familiar dental office odors. There was the sharp tang of medicinal antiseptic, the light odor of vinyl from the seats, and a musty scent of latex. Those all seemed very familiar, but there was another, more sweetish, heady odor that seemed to underly all the others, a smell that she couldn’t quite place.

She was startled out of her reverie as Dr. Grimhardy stepped out of one of the workrooms. She’d seen a photo, but in person, he seemed even more hunky. Tall, broad shouldered, with deep piercing blue eyes and slightly, but distinguishingly graying black hair. Ooof, back off Lucia. It’s been a year since your last boyfriend, but get a hold of yourself. You want this guy to be your boss, and you better start acting like it. To break the moment, she stammered “Hi, I’m Lucia. I have a 7pm interview with you.” He smiled at me, his mouth creasing in a wonderful manner, and stuck out his hand. “I’m Frank. Thanks for agreeing to meet with me so late, you know how it is running a practice short staffed, never enough hours in the day. Anyhow, step into one of the examination rooms, and let’s talk.”

While not completely modern, the room we stepped in was Lucia’s idea of what a dental office should be. The examination chair was covered in crisp light blue vinyl, the lights were stainless steel, and there was a carefully arranged instrument table, also crisp stainless steel. But it was what was next to the table that made Lucia take an almost involuntary gasp. The gas machine was elaborate, resplendent with all sorts of knobs, dials, and meters. Turning back to Dr. Grimhardy, I noticed that he saw me eyeing the gas machine. Oh well. Frank smiled and waved at me to sit down on the examination table as he took a seat on the nearby chair.

“So, Lucia, I am really glad you’re here. I’m going to admin something, but before the interview I called your old professor, and inquired about you. He had nothing but the best to say.” As I tried to stammer something out, he continued. “So from the conversation I know you’d make a great dental assistant at a regular clinic, but what he could not tell me was how you’d do with phobic patients.” “So why don’t you begin by telling me what you know about Sedation Dentistry.”
Trying not to show my nervousness, I responded. “Well, we use sedation dentistry to help patients get over their phobias. For patients who have only slight phobia, or perhaps, for those that just dislike the dentist, we usually use Nitrous Oxide.” As I said that, I took another look at the gas machine. “For patients who have a more serious phobia, we offer Oral Sedation, by giving them a pill to help them forget the experience. With patients even more fearful, or in the cases where a longer procedure is indicated, we will use IV sedation. While most Oral and IV Sedation doesn’t fully knock a patient out, but just sends them into a twilight sleep, we can also fully knock out a patient either again by IV, or by using the… gas machine over there.”

Frank nodded approvingly. “That was very good Lucia, very very good. Clearly you know your stuff. Now let me ask you another question, and it’s an important one. Have you ever been put under before? The reason I ask this question is that I want to make sure that you’ll understand what our patients are feeling.”

Looking into his deep blue eyes, his rich lips, I couldn’t lie. So I told him the truth… that I’d never ever has an opportunity for it. And, also, that if he thinks that’s a deal breaker, that I’d understand. He let out a little laugh and told me not to be worried. Nonchalantly, he asked “Do you have anything planned for later in the evening? I answered promptly, indicating that I had nothing else planned until morning. “Wonderful” exclaimed Dr. Grimhardy. Then if it’s okay with you, we can do a few experiences tonight, and that will get you ready to working with the patients next week.” ”You mean I got the job?” I yelped. “Well, assuming everything goes according to plan tonight then yes…” he replied with a twinkle in his eye.

A couple minutes later I felt a little bit ridiculous. There I was, a 25 year old woman, and in my hand was a lollipop as if I were a little girl. Seeing the confusion, Frank elaborated. “Generally, with the highly phobic patients, what I will do is offer them this lollipop when they first get in the office. Go on, try it.” With his eyes on me, I took a lick, and then another and another. It actually tasted quite good! “There, you see, now you’re already on your way to being sedated. The lollipop contains Fenatyl, and in just 5 or 10 minutes, you’ll be feeling very relaxed and quite sleepy. I’ll just let you finish that while I finalize some paperwork. Feel free to lie down on the examination chair, take off your shoes, and I’ll be back in a few.” said Frank calmly. Then he went in the next room and closed the door.

All the while continuing to lick the lollipop, I thought about the situation I was in. I really did want this job, and I really found Dr. Grimhardy attractive, but what was I doing? Did it really make sense that I needed to understand what it meant to be put under to be able to work here? Was this just a little bit sketchy? I mean, the office is empty, I’m here after hours, and he’s going to knock me out and then maybe do some other things… some of which I’d never be comfortable telling him I wanted of course. As I glance down at the lollipop, I notice that it’s all done. A wave of happy pleasant euphoria begins to kick in. Colors seems so much more friendly, and a desire to lay down and cuddle with something soft, and perhaps close my eyes begins to grow stronger and stronger. My eyes fixate on the patient chair and warm quilt that Frank must have left these. Stumbling only a little bit, I manage to make it to the chair and wrap myself in the quilt. I try to think back to my worry about the legality and safety of this situation, but all I can really think of is how warm and comfy the quilt is, and how sleepy I am.
In this state, I don’t notice Frank making his way to join me, until he pets me gently on top of my head. “How are you feeling there Lucia? A bit sleepy?” I want to tell him that I am feeling used and I don’t appreciate it, but, instead, what comes out is an “Mmmm, I’m so warm and sleepy”. He pets me a few more times, rubbing his hand up and down my bangs, making me feel more and more relaxed. “For a girl your size, the Fentanyl lolli should have been 1/4 the dosage, but unfortunately there was a bit of a “mistake”. Now, it’s not a problem, as being relaxed is great for this next stage.

As I sleepily look to the side of my examination chair, I notice Frank is fiddling with something down there. If I wasn’t already drugged out of my mind, I’d have realized that those were restraint straps. As he brings them up and begins to tie me into them, I start feeling very scared. I try to scream, but my screams sound more like sleepy moans and do nothing except for draw Frank’s attention. “Now, Lucia, you don’t want to be a bad patient do you? Why don’t we see if there is something else we can give you to calm you down for a bit. As he’s saying this, he’s taken off a latex mask attached to the gas machine I was admiring earlier. Oh no, I’m about to be gassed I think. I cry a little tear and whimper a bit more. “Please let me go DR. Grimhaldy. I don’t think I can work here, and I won’t tell anyone about how you interview assistants.” The effort of making such a reasoned statement was too much for me, and I decided to close my eyes for just a minute or so until things became less fuzzy. It was there that Frank turned on his gas machine, and then lifting my head gently placed the mask on it. A scent of sweet strawberries filled my lungs and within 15 seconds I felt like I was completely floating.

Any reasonable or rational thoughts were long gone by that time, so when Frank strapped me in really tight using the restraints, I didn’t even notice, lost in the haze of Fenatyl lollies and a high dosage of Nitrous oxide. I could only imagine what he was going to be to next. I’d probably be too sleepy to know.

Last edited by balor; 15-12-13 at 10:49.
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Old 30-06-13, 13:07
larrydude larrydude is offline
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So far so good!
Life can be such a "rip-off!"
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Old 30-06-13, 15:09
chlorofan1 chlorofan1 is offline
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Wow realy nice story.
Like the way here its going.
Please continue in part 2.
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Old 01-07-13, 06:43
BC999 BC999 is offline
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A great beginning. Thanks for sharing.
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Old 01-07-13, 11:16
CBiscuit CBiscuit is offline
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Nice. Dental scenes are always exciting.
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Old 08-07-13, 11:35
althemad althemad is offline
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WOW. I really liked sedating lollipop!
I wish I had one to try...or to let someone else to try...
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Old 14-08-13, 10:10
KuroRonin KuroRonin is offline
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I must say I really enjoy this story, can't wait to hear more. Love the variety and the accidental compliance it's a bit different than the typical fight or give in responses keep up the good work, hopefully we'll see some IV sedation in the next part
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Old 03-12-13, 09:34
balor balor is offline
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A very short Part 2 for you guys!

I wasn’t sure how I got myself in this mess. Okay maybe I knew. Sure, Dr. Grimhardy kind of took advantage of me during the interview, and he may have felt me up when I was out, ALSO did I mention that he tricked me into getting knocked out, but he was kind of hot, and I kind of liked being sedated. Let’s be honest, I really liked being sedated. NOT THAT I’D EVER LET THAT CREEP KNOW. At any rate, somehow I had agreed to accept his offer of fulltime employment, and now it was my second day on the job and already I had messed up.

Mr. Kleiner was my first patient, and I was sure he was only going to a sedation dentist because he had some sort of fetish around this. As he came in for his cleaning, I politely introduced myself, and as Frank Grimhardy told me, asked Mr Kleiner (no, no, you must call be Chuck (ew)) if he had any bad dental experiences in the past. “Chuck” told me this whole yarn about a cruel dentist who’d delight in the most painful procedures possible, and that he absolutely could not have anything done without some sort of sedation, wink wink. So I walked into Frank’s office and told him that he needed to talk to the patient.

10 minutes later it was me lying in the dentist chair. Frank told me that the best way to put a patient at ease with what was going to happen was to demonstrate what was going to happen, and perhaps he was right, but seeing the twinkle in his eye, I knew he was enjoying this too much. So there I was, dressed in a tight fitting hygienist uniform, trying to keep my legs together as to not let either guy see up my skirt when Frank began the gas demo. “If you’ll take a look at the mask” he said looking at Chuck, “it’s really quite innocuous looking”. With that, he placed a simple rubber nose mask over my nose, adjusting the rubber string so the mask was firmly held against my face. From behind me, Frank continued. “Now, if Lucia here was a real patient, instead of turning the oxygen gauge as I am doing now, I’d turn on the Nitrous.” A steady hiss of air began to tickle my nose. I inhaled through my nose a little bit to smell the gas to make sure that Frank was telling the truth, but unlike my interview, there was no fruity smell to the gas. I relaxed and continued to inhale as Frank kept talking.

“Now, Nitrous is only a very gentle anesthetic, and we need to reinforce its action with light suggestion. For example, Lucia is prolly feeling quite relaxed right now.” As Frank spoke, I realized that I was in fact feeling pretty relaxed. I inhaled deeper, suspiciously, but still there was no telltale fruity smell that I associated with Nitrous. “After a few minutes, the patient, in this case, my lovely assistant Lucia, would in addition to the already potent relaxation that is helping her sink further and further into the dental chair, start to lose track of the details of what is going on as her breathing becomes more and more automatic.” As I relaxed further and further into the leather of the dental chair, inhaling regularly through my nose, Frank’s voice started to seem like it was coming from farther and farther away. I knew he saying something about me, but it didn’t seem to quite matter so much. As I kept drifting, I heard Frank continue “One of the tricks that I find works the best is to use a completely unflavored variant of Nitrous so that the patient doesn’t even realize it’s working.”

I lay there, breathing through my nose, my eyes began to slowly but surely flutter. It felt like the most normal thing in the world to keep floating on my cloud and to keep taking deep regular breaths. I knew I should keep my eyes open, to figure out what’s going on, but I was just way too comfortable. So comfortable, in fact, that when I felt a little prick of a needle in my arm, I didn’t realize that a whole new level of sedation was about to be demonstrated on me.

Last edited by balor; 03-12-13 at 09:36.
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Old 03-12-13, 10:50
Wheelie915 Wheelie915 is offline
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Please add chloroform?!

Last edited by Wheelie915; 03-12-13 at 20:15.
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Old 03-12-13, 11:26
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Life can be such a "rip-off!"
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Old 03-12-13, 12:29
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Bravo! Keep it up...
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Old 04-12-13, 07:49
BC999 BC999 is offline
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wonderful addition. Thanks a ton for contributing. Always love some hijinks at the dentist's office.
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Old 15-12-13, 10:45
balor balor is offline
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Here goes part 3! I'm pretty happy with this one =)

I was fucking hungry. Frank told me he’d make it up to me by taking me out to the fanciest French place in town, bill on him, but what I really wanted was something right now. Something like a nice cut of seared Ahi Tuna, or even a frigging salad. But no, Frank was insistent… no food for 8 hours before the competition. Looking at my watch, I saw that it was 7 pm, which meant that with an hour till the event to go, I needed to get dressed and make my way to the Pacific Dental Center.

What possessed me to dress up like I was still in college, I had no idea, but here I was, wearing a cute little dress that barely went below my knees and a pair of plaid super tall stockings. I guess, if I was roped into this ridiculous competition I was at least going to dress ridiculously. Frank brought up the competition pretty innocuously as we were relaxing after a particularly difficult wisdom tooth extraction had finished. He mentioned that he has a great friend of his from college that had opened a sedation dentistry clinic across town from us, and that they were constantly in competition for clients and dentistry awards. Being friends, they had hatched this contest to determine who the better sedation dentist was. They’d each choose an assistant, and, well, demonstrate their sedation techniques. Of course, they wouldn’t do it on their own assistant, oh no, instead, they’d swap subjects for the night. May the most stylish induction take the prize.

Now, when Frank first told me about this, I just gave him the look. I’d gotten good at the look in the two months we’d worked together. Every time he kept eyeing his gas cabinet and then glancing at me, I’d give him the yeah, I know you’re imagining me all sleepy and dopey, strapped to the dental chair, but it ain’t happening bub look. Usually he sheepishly looked away, but as he was telling me about the competition he just held my gaze. Damn his deep blue eyes. He didn’t even need to drug me when he looked at me that way, I started turning to jelly all by myself. “Now Lucia” he rumbled in his deep bass voice that so relaxed female patients. “If you help me do this, and we win, that will mean more patients for us, which would mean more money for you. How’s a nice $10 dollar an hour raise sound?” It sounded good damn him. “Fine…” I muttered. “But you’d better win.” He just smiled.

Which is how I ended up in the reception room of the Pacific Dental Center after hours. While Frank’s dental office was modern and somewhat warm, walls painted a kind of pastel green, the PDC was like a set from one of those 1950's movies. Everything was brass and chrome, well-polished, with a great art deco aesthetic going. I liked Frank’s friend already. But what really drew my gaze was the wall art, which seemed to consist of gas pressure valves from what I could only imagine was a first or second generation anesthesia machine. Real subtle that.

Distracted by the wall art, I didn’t notice the inner door open, so was startled by a clearing of the throat. Looking at the newcomer, I did a double take. I had imagined Frank’s competitor to be another 50ish guy like Frank (but hopefully without the bedroom eyes), but instead what stood in front of me could have been a body double for Marylin Monroe. Perfect blond hair, an hourglass waist, and mischievous eyes that simply seethed with possibility. “Hi, you must be Lucia” the newcomer exclaimed. “Frank told me so much about you. We’re going to get along great, I just know it. Oh, I should introduce myself. I’m Dr. Christine Baunta, but you can call me Dr. Chrissy.”

“Please follow me inside, Frank and my assistant, Gretchen, are already there.” Late again I though, how typical of me. The room she led me into was absolutely stunning. There was more of the art deco styling, but it was clear that despite the stylistic choices, this was a fully functional modern dental theater. I could keep telling you about the color of the walls, or the tiled floor pattern, but really, I bet you just want to know about the gas machine. The first thing I noticed about it was that it was large. The one at Frank’s office only had two canisters, one for n2o and one for o2, but this one seemed to have 4. While the first two were the same as at our office, the 3rd I was pretty sure contained fluothane, but I didn’t recognize the 4th one at all. Running out from the canister contained was a large later hose, which was currently not attached to anything. Instead, what lay next to it was a collection of masks. There was the usual modern nitrous mask, only covering the nose and making the person wearing it look a little like a silly alien. But next to it were a few black beauties in different sizes, as we called them in dental school, all black and covering the whole face, used for more serious sedation. I could not pull my eyes away. Dr. Chrissy was clearly serious about her gassing, and I was absolutely sure who the next patient was going to be.

Thus, it was with utter surprise that I felt a prick in my left buttock. I turned around to see Dr. Chrissy withdrawing a small syringe from my posterior. “What… what was that?” I exclaimed. “Now dear Lucia, the doctor replied, Frank has warned us you could be a bit uncooperative, so I decided to pre-sedate you a little bit before the full procedure. Don’t worry it’s not very strong, it’s just going to leave you a little bit relaxed, warm, and somewhat out of it.” She wasn't kidding. While I knew I should complain that I wasn't ready, that this wasn't in the plan, instead I just kind of felt like sitting down and resting for a few minutes. As I moved toward the dental chair, I stumbled a little bit, my legs feeling somewhat wobbly. Dr. Chrissy moved fast, catching my elbow and gently guiding me to the dental table. Her touch felt really good, and I may have let out a little moan.

“Oh dear” she said. “This drug can sometime cause a bit of an arousal in female patients. Don’t fight it Lucia, just let it wash over you.” She gently pushed me down on the chair, and I absolutely melted into it. Where she touched me, spots of comfortable warmth spread out, floating through me like a wave. “Doesn't that feel good?” she asked, running her hands through my lustrous hair. That did feel good. “Now, let’s get rid of those shoes, shall we..” Dr. Chrissy said as she ran her hands down my stockinged legs, slowly removing my shoes. “Now you lie here and relax while I get the IV ready and then it’ll be sleepy time for real!”

As I floated in my dreamy haze, I vaguely heard Dr. Chrissy fussing with something behind me. A minute later, she wheeled a portable IV stand next to me. She rolled up my sleeve and then wiped down my inner elbow with some alcohol. Her demeanor was somehow both sensual and professional, almost a perfect combination. Not that I could really give it much thought as whatever she had injected into my buttock earlier had cast an almost complete pallor over my higher thinking faculties. Minutes later (or was it seconds, time was no longer something I could keep track of) I felt another prick. With my muscles heavy, it took a lot of effort to turn my head toward the IV stand, but when I did I could see that I was already connected to the saline bag. Dr. Chrissy, ever economical of time was readying a larger syringe, filling it with a milky whitish liquid.

She noticed my scrutiny and smiled at me. “Oh are you still up dear? Well no worries, let me just inject this into your line and then I’m going to ask you to count down from 10 for me. Can you do that?” Feeling warm and happy I tried my best. “Teeen” I slurred. As I continued counting, my languor, already pretty intense increased further and further. I was already to 5, but I could no longer keep my eyes open. “Fffour” I tried to pronounce, but everything was spinning and it just seemed like so much work to say it out loud. My eyes closed one last time, and then there was just the warm and comforting blackness. My last thought was that Frank was going to have a really hard time topping Dr. Chrissy's performance.
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Old 15-12-13, 12:33
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Old 17-12-13, 07:52
BC999 BC999 is offline
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We're pretty happy with this one, too! Thanks for sharing.
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