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Old 09-04-08, 23:17
CBiscuit CBiscuit is offline
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Default The Rescue

The Rescue

Megan was in deep trouble in every sense of the word. She was floating in the ocean totally out of sight of land, and the sun was going down fast. She was wearing only a tiny blue string bikini. The water was cold. She knew her time was running out.

Megan was an aging swimsuit model that was now 32. Her body was still in great shape though. She was about 5 foot 4 and had long slender legs. Her hair was shiny and brown with red highlights. Her eyes were a penetrating blue. Still she was having trouble getting work and owed everybody money. The younger models got the new jobs every time.

Megan had agreed to do a shoot on a boat. She had been warned that the guy was a sleaze, but she needed the money. As soon as she put the bikini on, and they were away from the dock, he was all over her. She fought him off as best she could, but it got ugly. She finally jumped overboard to get away. She could see land, and thought that she could easily swim to shore. The current pulled her far away very quickly though, and within half an hour, land was very far away. It had been several hours now and hypothermia was setting in. Megan was shaking and starting to swallow sea water.

Carlos was alone on his boss’s boat. It as a 75 foot cabin cruiser and was well equipped. Carlos brought drugged women from California to Mexico for the white slave trade. He had lost a young woman on the last run. He was reasonably sure that his superiors would **** him when he went home. He headed there very slowly. He was in no hurry to face punishment.

The boat was on auto pilot and Carlos was looking off the stern with binoculars. It was sunset and he hunted for flying fish. Suddenly he saw something blue in the water at a distance. He put down the field glasses and went to the wheel and swung the boat around and headed for the blue he had seen. As he got closer he looked through the glasses again. It looked like a woman’s body in the water.

Carlos got as close as he could and stopped the boat. He called to the woman. She was limp and her face was in the water. He took a rope and threw the end overboard. Then he jumped over the side from a small ladder, and swam to the girl. He put the rope under her arms and pulled her to the boat. Then he climbed up the ladder and pulled her limp body into the boat with the rope.

Once he had her on deck, he took off the rope and laid her on her stomach and pushed down on her back and shoulders. Water spewed out of her mouth. When he was sure all the water was out, he turned her over and began CPR. After about a minute she started to cough and threw up all over the deck.

Megan thought she was ****. She was now on a boat deck in the arms of a strong, handsome, and well tanned Latino man. He spoke to her softly as he held her head in his lap. He told her that she was going to be all right and to do as he said. He wrapped a large towel around her shivering body. Then he took a small cloth and folded it into a square. Next he opened a large can and poured what looked like cleaning fluid on the center of the cloth.

He placed one hand behind her head and held the cloth over her nose and mouth with his other hand. He softly told her to take some deep breaths. Megan jumped a little as the strong fumes first hit her, but she soon felt dreamy and relaxed. His face was getting fuzzy as she continued to obediently inhale as he had told her. Soon she heard a ringing in her ears, and she was blinking her eyes to try to focus. Suddenly everything went dark.

Carlos smiled as her beautiful eyes fluttered and rolled closed just as her head went limp in his hands. He gently held the cloth on her for about a minute and finally pulled it away. He left her on the deck and went to the cabin and laid some towels on the large bed. Then he cradle carried her limp body into the cabin. It was dark now and when he flipped on the light in the cabin he could see that she was very beautiful.

Carlos laid the limp woman on the towel protected bed and carefully looked her over. He knew she was older than his people usually traded, but he was reasonably sure they would still want her. He had saved her life, perhaps she would save his now.

Carlos lifted her into a sitting position and untied the bow behind her neck. Her boobs started to slip out of the suit top. Then he untied the bow behind her back. The cute blue top fell on the bed and her awesome breasts flew out. They were large and well rounded. The nipples were small though.

Carlos laid her on her back and untied the bows at the sides of her bikini bottom. Then he pulled it off and took both parts of the suit and hung them on a line to dry. Next he turned on the shower and carried her over his shoulder to it. He washed her limp body with soap and water and shampooed her hair. Finally when she was rinsed off he placed her back on the bed on her back and began to dry her off.

Carlos knew the water would soon wake her and re-soaked the cloth again. As soon as she started to stir, he placed it over her nose and mouth. Megan awoke with a start and realized she was naked. She started to pull away from the cloth. He only held it tighter and spoke to her again. She could hear his words faintly. “You need to go back to sleep now” he said. She was in no position to resist. She breathed normally and went under gently in about 30 seconds.

Carlos used his girlfriend’s hairdryer and dried her shiny brown hair. After about 10 minutes she no longer looked like a drowned rat. She was dry, clean and beautiful! Her bikini was dry now. He carefully put it back on her and re-tied the bows. Then he pulled away the towels and put her in the bed under the covers. He would let her sleep now. He got a camera ready, along with a few sedative needles, and more chloroform. Once she was awake she would have to be controlled carefully. He couldn’t afford to let another one escape.

When Megan woke up the next time, she felt much better. She was dry, clean, and warm. Her bikini was back on and she was in a comfortable bed. Then she tried to stand up and realized that her right wrist was handcuffed to the bed frame. “He’s another perv!” she thought to herself. Suddenly Carlos entered the cabin. He handed her some hot tea.

When she asked why she was handcuffed, Carlos used an old line on her. He told her that the Mexican police were looking for an American girl that matched her description. He was going to turn her in for the reward. When she told him that she was a model named Megan, and was not wanted by any police, he told her that he would bring her in anyway. If she was not the one they were looking for, she would be released and had nothing to worry about.

He had used this trick on several women. They always went along, and since they were never conscious when he docked in Mexico, it was never a problem. They were taken away in a van, and he would never see them again. He did have his fun on the way though! He played with and photographed the drugged women and sold the pictures on line.

Megan was no exception. She went along, just as the others had. After he fed her some cereal and a muffin, she asked to have her handcuffs removed. He picked up a needle and injected her in her right thigh. Then he undid the handcuffs as she asked. When she asked what the shot was for, he told her it was a mild sedative.

As Megan got off the bed and walked around the boat, she soon realized that there was nothing mild about the sedative. She was getting very dreamy and drowsy and was having trouble keeping her balance. Carlos put his strong arm around her and told her she should not get too excited. She had nearly drowned yesterday and needed to rest. He sat her down on a bench on deck and held his arm around her.

Megan looked all around. There was no land in sight. There could be no escape. She wouldn’t try jumping overboard again that was for sure. Once he got her to Mexico, she figured she would be all right. Suddenly her head started spinning. She felt dizzy. That’s the last thing she remembered. Her head fell limp on Carlos’s shoulder and her beautiful hair sprawled all over.

Carlos held his latest sleeping companion in his arms. He usually transported several women. This time he could focus on only one. He carried her to the lounge chair on the front deck and put her in it. Then he started taking photos. After getting her from a few angles, he removed her suit top. Then he took some topless photos. She looked awesome in the deck chair with the sun showing the shiny highlights of her hair. Topless, she was even hotter.

Carlos removed her bottom next and took some nudes. He posed her in various positions in the chair. Then he carried her naked, over his shoulder, to the bedroom and placed her on the bed. Carlos opened a drawer and took out one of his girlfriends’ nightgowns. It was sheer and black and although a little too large, looked great on her. More photos were taken. Then he let her sleep while he had a beer on deck.

Megan woke up about 2 hours later and was in a nightgown, not her own. Her swim suit was nowhere in sight. She was surprised that she wasn’t handcuffed. She got up off the bed and looked around the room. She found a pair if high heeled strappy sandals and put them on. She ventured outside the cabin. He was nowhere in sight. Megan suddenly felt lightheaded from the sedative. She grabbed onto a door handle and tired to stay awake.

As Megan worked her way to the bow of the boat, she was suddenly grabbed from behind. He held a soaking wet cloth over her nose and mouth. This time she fought hard. She kicked her legs around and tried to shake him off her at the same time. It was no use. He held her fast. The sedative was still in her system, relaxing her, and the cloth was heavily soaked with a lot of fresh chloroform. She was too dizzy to focus, yet she continued to struggle.

Carlos was enjoying the moment intensely! He loved a good cloth struggle. Megan kicked so hard that her right sandal flew off. Then she started to weaken. Eventually she relaxed and inhaled voluntarily. Within a few seconds her body went limp in his arms. He held the cloth on her for about 30 seconds and finally pulled it away. Then he carried her back to the bedroom and re-attached her handcuffs. He removed her other sandal and stretched her out on the bed to sleep off the chloroform.

The next time Megan woke up, he was standing over her. She was handcuffed again. He told her that she was his prisoner, until he knew otherwise. She could not wander around without permission. She had to be handcuffed or sedated at all times until he got her to the police. She had no choice but to go along, yet still she didn’t trust him! Then he left her in the room with the handcuffs on and left.

About 3 hours later, he returned with more food and some water. Megan wanted the handcuffs off. She knew he would sedate her. Still, if she could fight to stay awake, she preferred that to the handcuffs. After Megan was done eating, she asked him to remove the handcuffs. He pulled a needle out of his pocket and approached her. She asked him not to give her so much this time. For some unknown reason, he only injected about three quarters of the dose in the needle. Then he released her.

Megan got off the bed and walked around. She was very sleepy and had trouble keeping her balance. Still she was free though. The sun had gone down and the weather was beautiful. Carlos himself was very handsome as well. So far, he hadn’t hurt her or raped her. He easily could have done anything he wanted to her while she was out, but for some reason he hadn’t. Apparently he was only interested in the reward money. He would soon be disappointed there though. She wondered what he might do.

After a few hours on deck, Megan was getting too sleepy from the sedative to wander around anymore. She returned to the cabin and sat on the bed. Soon he was there holding what looked like a carrying case. He put the case down on the bed and opened it. There was a clear oxygen mask with 2 hoses attached. He pulled the mask out and then she could see two cylinders inside the case.

Carlos put the mask on Megan and fastened the strap around the back of her head. Then he turned a valve near the cylinders and told her to relax and breathe normally. He told her she would be going to sleep. She already knew that. A dentist had given her a similar gas last year. She knew it was futile to resist. She could no longer sit up. He gently lowered her on her back onto the bed. She continued to breathe as the gas hissed away. Her heard was spinning. Then suddenly everything went black.

Carlos put her bikini back on her and put away his girlfriend’s nightgown and sandals. He left the mask strapped on her and the gas on. He kissed her goodbye on each side of her cleavage. Then he returned to the wheel. Within half an hour, he was docked in Mexico. His boss was waiting with two tough looking guys with guns. He led his boss to the cabin. He showed them his newest prize while secretly holding his breath! He turned off the gas and removed her mask.

The boss smiled. Oh yes, this was one he would keep for himself! He had always wanted a slightly older one, and he preferred brunettes. The other two men carried her very limp body off the boat. After all the gas, she would be out for several hours. She wouldn’t be any trouble he told them. His boss sent him back to California for two more women that had been captured and were waiting for him.

As Carlos pulled the boat away he smiled. He was alive. He still had his job. Two new cuties were waiting for him to drug and play games with during transport for the next 3 days. All of his prayers had so far been answered. The lord works in mysterious ways indeed!
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