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Old 27-04-07, 21:25
CBiscuit CBiscuit is offline
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Default Dangerous Prey Part 3

Dangerous Prey Part 3

Bruce was admiring his sleeping beauty on the large bed. He went into the dresser drawer and got a pair of dark thigh high stockings. He slipped these on Kate’s lovely legs and went for the shoes he left in the living room. He brought the black leather pumps into the bedroom and slipped them on Kate. Now it would be time for more photos. He went to get the tripod and the camera equipment.

Kate woke up suddenly and was on a large strange bed. She was not bound and was wearing stockings now. She needed to go to the bathroom. She wondered how she could figure out where the door key was kept. If she could trick him into going for it and watch him do it, that might supply the answer she needed. She would ask to go to the bathroom first though. She knew she should stay on the bed and not wander. He would only knock her out again and probably bind her if she wandered around again.

When Bruce returned with the camera stuff he noticed Kate was awake. He left the stuff outside the bedroom where she couldn’t see it. He would only take photos of her while she was knocked out. As soon as he entered the room, she asked if she could go to the bathroom. He showed her where it was and said OK.

Bruce knew there was a window in there and she could try to escape. Somehow he doubted that she would. It was in the 40’s temperature wise and fully dark outside with a stiff wind blowing. She was in a sheer nightgown and panties set, thigh high stockings and 3 inch heels. She would not get far.

Kate shut herself in the bathroom and looked around. There was a window and she was able to open it. The wind blew the cold air in her face and gave her the shivers. She looked down. Yes she could throw her shoes out first, hang from the window, and drop down. Then she could put her shoes on and escape. Not now though. It was too dark and cold.

After Kate relieved herself and was ready to go back to the bedroom, she noticed the stall shower and curtain. Suddenly she had a brainstorm! She would leave the window wide open and hide behind the shower curtain. He would run for the door and open it to go outside and chase her. She could carefully watch him do it and know the location of the key.

When Kate was gone a little too long Bruce knocked on the bathroom door. When there was no answer he opened it and was surprised to find it unlocked. Once he opened it, he saw the window wide open and no Kate! He quickly ran for the front door. Kate followed at a safe distance and saw that the key was under the lamp on the end table.

Now for the hard part! She must actually go out the window and make it look like she was really trying to escape. She would have to let him recapture her of course. She would never survive the night otherwise. As planned she removed her heels and tossed them out the window. Then she hung from the window sill and dropped off. Her ankles gave out as she hit the ground, and she landed hard on her butt.

Kate quickly put the shoes back on and ran for cover behind some trees. The wind howled and Kate shivered all over in the nearly naked outfit she was in. Her tiny nipples grew hard from the cold. She looked all over for a shelter or place to hide that would at least break the wind. There was none.

Bruce was on the other side of the cabin looking through the trees. She was too smart to run into the woods right next to the window she came out of. Or was she? Bruce sneaked around to the other side of the cabin and watched from a distance.

To Kate’s horror, she heard a loud clap of thunder. Within 2 minutes there was a full downpour. Kate had no protection at all. The outfit was soaked and clinging to her in a matter of seconds. The high heels quickly started to sink into the wet ground under her. She remained hidden behind the trees. Escape from him was now the last thing on her mind. She actually needed to be rescued by the perv!

Bruce could see where Kate was hiding as soon as he got to the other side of the cabin. He pretended not to see her, and went inside. He would let the weather be her adversary for this round. He closed the door and then closed the bathroom window and locked it. He would let her get good and cold, wet, and with hope, frightened. Fright was a good spirit breaker!

Kate saw the window close from where she was hiding and was really scared now. She was shaking from the cold and soaking wet. Total humiliation was at hand. She had no choice now but to got to the door of the cabin and start begging to be let inside. She would be punished for the escape attempt. She knew that. She would also be dead from exposure if she didn’t. It would all be worth it anyway. She knew the key location for the next round.

Bruce knew she would have to come in. There just weren’t any options for her. He waited and got some large towels ready. He also had a small washcloth and a bottle of chloroform ready. He sat on the sofa and read a magazine while he waited.

Kate could barely make it to the door. The wind knocked her down twice. She was soaked like a drowned rat. As she pounded on the door she broke down completely and started to cry. Suddenly the door opened. Even in his threatening looking ski mask, he was a welcome sight!

Bruce scooped Kate into his arms and carried her inside. He placed her on the floor on top of a large white towel. Then he sat her up and peeled the wet nightgown off of her. Next he pulled off her shoes and started wiping her with another large towel.

Kate’s teeth were chattering and she was still crying. He gently dried her and laid her on her back on the bearskin rug in front of the fireplace. A fire was burning there. Kate was finally warming up. He had a small washcloth in his hand and was folding it now. Then he opened a bottle. Kate could see the label. “Chloroform” it said. She was past caring! Sleep would be a help at this point!

Bruce soaked the cloth and gently held it over her nose and mouth. Then he spoke softly. He said,

“I’m just going to give you enough to relax you.”

Then he told her to calm down and breathe normally. Putting her to sleep now would be letting her off too easy! Bruce had another scenario in mind.

As Kate began to breathe in the sweet fumes, she could feel herself getting numb and her vision was starting to blur. Her limbs felt heavy and disconnected. She could not move. She didn’t seem to care either. The glow of the warm fire took on colorful hues through her unfocused eyes. She was no longer shivering or crying. The bearskin rug felt wonderful against her now dry and nearly naked body.

It was time to finish removing her clothing. Bruce gave her more chloroform. Her eyes were beginning to flutter when he pulled the cloth away this time. He peeled off her wet stockings and prepared to remove her panties. He gave her yet a little more chloroform first. This time she nearly passed out, as her eyes were glazed and rolling.

Kate was barely conscious as Bruce was stripping the tiny sheer panties off her. She was unable to move or speak. She wondered why he didn’t put her all the way under like all the times before. Now; each time she was prepared to slip into that void, it didn’t happen. If this was his way of punishing her, it was sure working! She was totally naked on the rug. He was drying her hair, bare legs, and everything else with a towel. Kate was beginning to feel uncomfortable as she became more alert.

Suddenly Bruce had sensed that fact, and had the cloth on her again. When she was on the brink of passing out, she was getting frustrated as he pulled it away again. She whispered to him,

“Please put me to sleep now!”

Then he answered, “Will you be a good girl and not try to run away again?” Kate answered softly in a wavering voice,


Then as he held the cloth on her he said,

“When you wake up, you will be in a nice warm bed.”

By the time he had finished the sentence, Kate was long gone. Her beautiful head, with its wet sprawling hair, fell limp to the side on the rug.

Bruce held the cloth there long after she was out. Then he got down on the rug with her and held her limp naked body against his. Oh yes she was a living doll all right. As her hair got drier, the shiny brown highlights were enhanced by the glowing light of the fire. After about an hour of enjoying her silky smooth body by the fire, he got the camera and took some wonderful pictures of her asleep and naked on the bearskin rug. He thought that these pictures would be priceless as he carried her to bed and tucked her in. Oh yes! He already cherished those pictures!

He went into the drawer and selected her outfit for the hunt. First a black and very sheer bra and panties set. Next he selected a pair of nude colored pantyhose. A sweatshirt and a pair of khaki shorts finished the clothing part. Finally he put the boots he had purchased on the floor by the dresser. Then he gathered up all other clothing, including her wet things and shoes and locked them up. Now it was time to begin making some preparations.

When Kate woke up she was in a warm and cozy bed, just as he had promised. She was totally naked though. She stayed under the covers and listened carefully. She could hear him moving around. She tried to sit up, but she was a little too dizzy from all the drugging. She lay still and waited.

Soon he was back and standing over her. He said it was time for her to get up and have something to eat and drink. She told him that she was too weak to get up. He told her not to worry. He would carry her. First he handed her an old flannel shirt of his for her to wear as a robe. He pulled back the covers and helped her put it on and rolled up the very long sleeves. Then he placed his arms under her and cradle carried her away like a sleepy child.

As Kate was carried away in his strong arms she could not help but wonder what all this was about. He had not hurt her, robbed her, or molested her in any way so far. What was it he wanted? He didn’t seem like a crazed killer or anything like that. When they reached the kitchen, he sat her in a chair at the table.

He prepared some hot soup for her. It smelled wonderful as it was heating up. Then he heated water for green tea. Next he poured a small glass of water and took out a pill. She asked what it was. He admitted to her that it was a sedative to relax her and help her sleep later. For some reason she took it without questioning his motive.

Bruce watched her eat all the soup and drink the tea. He could see her getting dreamy and sleepy again. He sat in the chair next to her and put his arm around her. Her head instantly relaxed and fell on his shoulder. Then he spoke to her softly. He told her that she would be returned home tomorrow and would not be harmed. There was one thing she had to do for him first though.

Kate rested against his strong and warm body and asked what she had to do. He told her she would know soon and wouldn’t have to do it until she woke up in the morning. Now it was time for her to go to bed and get some sleep.

Bruce got out of the chair and picked Kate up again. He carried her to the bathroom first. He let her go inside on her own, but she had to take off his shirt and give it to him first.

Once inside the door, Kate took off the shirt and handed it to him. Then she relieved herself and washed her face and took a small drink. When she opened the bathroom door, he wasn’t there. She walked naked back to the bed she had been in, and crawled inside and pulled the covers over her.

Suddenly he was back and was carrying a cloth and a bottle of chloroform. He poured some on the cloth and placed his strong arm behind her head and held her up slightly as he gently placed the cloth over her nose and mouth. When she was dizzy and dreamy, he pulled the cloth away. He told her that when she woke up that he would not be there. She was to get dressed in the clothes in the room, eat whatever she wanted, take whatever she needed, and leave.

Kate was groggy and didn’t quite understand what he was saying. Now he had the cloth on her again. Her head was spinning and she felt like she was about to pass out any second. He pulled the cloth away one last time and told her that he would see her again before she reached home. Then he held the cloth on her until she passed out. After she went limp, he continued to hold it there for over a minute.

Bruce covered her deliciously limp body with the covers and made more preparations. She would be out for about 8 hours. The pill and the chloroform would see to that. In the kitchen he left only one water bottle for her to find. It had 2 rohypnol tablets in it. It would gradually sedate her as she sipped at it, and make her easy to find. Then there was a special cell phone that he left in the living room. It was useless of course, since they were many miles out of range. He could track her with his GPS though, just in case she got too far away. Somehow he knew she could not resist taking it. There was a box of protein bars on the kitchen table as well.

Everything was in place. Shortly before she woke up, he would hide in the root cellar. She would wake up, get dressed, and make her escape. He knew she would. Then he would have a leisurely breakfast. She would need about an hour of two as a head start.

Bruce looked in on the peacefully sleeping Kate in his old room and then went to sleep in his dad’s old room himself. They would both need their rest. Tomorrow morning the hunting games would begin! As he lay in his bed, he dreamed of darting her and carrying her back to the cabin over his shoulder. Better yet, maybe he could stalk her up close and use the cloth on her.

It was a hard decision. Perhaps a bit of both would be in order. Yes that was the answer to the dilemma. He would capture her and let her escape again. Who knows? Maybe there might be time for 3 rounds. All he could think of was “let the games begin!” as he drifted off to sleep.

Last edited by CBiscuit; 10-04-10 at 01:05.
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